20:The Final Goodbye Pt.2

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"I bet Hoseok will cry tonight."Taehyung chuckled.Jimin looked at him and whined."I bet me too!"The latter looked at him and tilted his head.Taehyung was confused of Jimin's action.

"Why would you cry?You're not the one Yoongi will propose to."Taehyung smirked.After a second,he received a punch in his arm."Jungkook didn't go home for 2 days!I'm so scared,he didn't answer his phone.I sent Taji to mom,oh god."

Taehyung made a 'wth' face to Jimin.He thought why Jungkook didn't go home for 2 days.Was he cheating?"You messaged him already?"Taehyung asked."Aren't you listening?I called him for how many times he didn't answer in one of those."

Taehyung nodded and looked around the café."If I see Jungkook when I go home,I'll text you.I have to go now.I have some business to cuddle."

"Stop calling Nicsy like that or else I'll tell her.Do you want me to?"Jimin smirked.Taehyung's lips parted and his body trembled."I don't want some fight now,Jimin.Please I promise,I won't do that again.Don't tell her."Jimin laughed and sighed."Go home,tell me if you see Jungkook."

Taehyung made his way home.He was about to open his gate when he felt a hand on his shoulder."What the hell- JEON JUNGKOOK,YOU BASTARD,ARE YOU CHEATING ON JIMIN?!"

Jungkook chuckled and covered Taehyung's mouth."Open the gate now.I have to talk to you."Jungkook said,trying to hide himself.

Taehyung bit his lip and said,"I have someone to cuddle-"

"OPEN THE GATE!"Jungkook shouted.Taehyung kicked the gate and punched Jungkook playfully."Can't you wait, cheater?"

Jungkook ran inside the house and Taehyung followed.They both sat on the couch and Taehyung crossed his arms."Jimin told me you didn't go home for 2 days.Were you out with somebody?"Taehyung directly asked.

"I helped Yoongi with everything.He will propose to Hoseok tonight.I know Jimin will be there too.I just want Jimin to miss me more.I have a surprise for him.So please don't tell this to Jimin or I'll tell Nicsy that you keep on calling her-"Taehyung didn't let him finish his words.

"OKAY!KIM TAEHYUNG ZIP YOUR MOUTH THAT'S ALL.YOU CAN NOW LEAVE."Jungkook chuckled at Taehyung's words."Good luck for another fight,Mr.Kim."Jungkook said and ran outside.

Taehyung sighed and hurried to go upstairs.He opened the door of his shared room with Nicsy and he saw his lover."Oh you are back,business."Nicsy stated.

Taehyung sighed and had teary eyes."No more fight please,I wanna cuddle.It's our last day here."Taehyung pouted.The latter laughed at him and opened her arms."I missed you,My bear~"


The night came and Yoongi was so nervous."What if he said no?"Yoongi asked.Jungkook laughed and fixed his suit."How can he say no to the one he used to chase."

Yoongi laughed a bit and shrugged."Aren't you nervous?"Yoongi asked Jungkook."Me?Why would I?I know Jimin loves me and I love him more."Jungkook smiled.

After a moment,Hoseok started looking around the garden, finding Yoongi."Yah,you didn't tell me we'll have our date!"Hoseok shouted.Yoongi chuckled hiding behind the bushes.

Hoseok reached the table area.There were a lot of foods and wine."Yoongi,if you don't show up I'll kill you."Hoseok threatened,holding the fork.He looked around but Yoongi didn't show up."Yoongi?"Hoseok pouted.

The lights went off and Hoseok got scared."No.."Hoseok's body trembled.He hugged himself in fear.But when he closed his eyes,he felt arms wrapping around his waist.He knew it,it's Yoongi,his lover.Yoongi buried his face on the crook of Hoseok's neck.The lights turned on and a music started playing.

/not sure if you know this,but when we first met
I got so nervous,I couldn't speak/

"You loved me back then,but I was so blind I didn't see you."Yoongi said,inhaling Hoseok's scent.

/in that very moment,I found the one and
my life had found its missing piece/

"For the second time I see you around.I wasn't just blind.I was so dumb.You're the one I'm looking for,but I stayed away from you."Yoongi tightened his hug to Hoseok.The latter started crying and caressed Yoongi's arms.

/So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you,you look so beautiful in white/

"But now here I am,loving you.Appreciating every single thing of you.You are my sun,my star,you are the whole universe for me."Yoongi pulled away and turned Hoseok to face him.

/and from now 'til my very last breath this day I'll cherish,you look so beautiful in white tonight/

"So Jung Hoseok,my sweetest one,will you agree to live the life with me and cherish every moment together?Will you marry me?"Yoongi said in one knee,holding a ring.Hoseok couldn't stop his tears and nodded.

"I-I will marry you.Yes!"Hoseok whispered.He made Yoongi stood up and kissed him.The couple danced to the rhythm,feeling the warm atmosphere that surrounded them.

Jimin was standing there along with Taehyung and Nicsy,smiling."Uh..Jimin-ah, Taehyung and I have something to fix in the office.Gotta go.See you!"Nicsy pulled Taehyung with him.They both knew Jungkook's plan so they decided to leave him alone.

Jimin didn't utter any word and just sighed.He looked up in the dark sky and cried."My love,where are you?"

"Look on your back."Jungkook said.Jimin slowly faced Jungkook.When their eyes met,Jimin couldn't stop his tears and jumped on his lover.He cried on Jungkook's arms."Where have you been?You left me and Taji."

"Uh about that..I want this night to be memorable for us.I want this to be our own wedding.Our wedding,for the second time."Jungkook softly smiled at Jimin.He locked hands with Jimin and smiled again.

Jimin didn't know what to say,he was speechless.He missed his lover so much and that moment was everything for him."I,Jeon Jungkook, promise to be with you for the rest of my life.To help you through ups and downs.To make you smile every second.To have a great time with .To be a person you can lean on.To be your husband.To be your lover who'll stay with you forever."Jungkook caressed his lover's cheeks.

"You are my precious person,Jimin.A person I will cherish.I'm not iron man,but I love you 3000."Jungkook leaned his forehead against Jimin.He kissed Jimin's ring finger.

"I,Jeon Jimin,promise to be with you for the rest of my life.To be a person you can laugh with.To be a person you'll share problems with.To be your lover who'll take care of you.To give you kisses every second.To be your husband who'll stay with you until my last breath."Jimin had his tears flowing down and Jungkook was there to quickly wipe it.

"You are my fragile person,Jungkook.A person I'll take care of.I am Jeon Jimin and my love for you is infinite."Jimin slowly move closer to Jungkook."I am yours,I am Jeon Jimin.I'll stay with you."

"I am yours,I am Jeon Jungkook.We'll stay with each other."Jungkook held Jimin's cheeks."Forever."They both said and finally attached their lips together.

Taehyung and Nicsy both smiled looking at the two couples."So this is what happened right,my love?"Nicsy asked."Let's go back to the future."Taehyung smiled.

Nicsy,she was Hoseok and Yoongi's adopted daughter,Min Yuni.And Taehyung,he was Jungkook and Jimin's adopted son,Jeon Taji.

They saw how their parents met.How they stayed in each other's arms.No one can separate them,because they are happy with someone they chose to stay with.



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