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  "Jiminie,I made our breakfast look.I made the biggest pancake for my Jiminie."Jungkook said smiling to sleepy Jimin.

"I'm not yours and don't call me Jiminie.Keep that in your mind.I will never be yours."Jimin said walking to kitchen passing teary eyed  Jungkook."Eat that whatever you call the biggest pancake.I don't need anything from you,I can make my own food.Care only about yourself and you won't be hurt."

"Why are you like this?I'm your future husband,of course I'll treat you nicely and in the best way I can.I wanna make you happy-"Jimin didn't let him finish what he was saying."No one can make me happy.I am so broke-"

"You are not broken!You think you are so you act like one.Jimin,I WANT to make you happy.I want to save you from that undying pain in your heart."Jungkook said in a very soft voice.Jimin glanced at him.

"I don't love you,Jungkook.I'm just using you.Stop caring about me."Jimin said and that's enough to make Jungkook's heart broke."Then use me.I don't care about your feelings towards me anymore.Use me as much as you want.Use me until I go useless.Use me,Jimin."Jungkook said holding emotionless Jimin's hand.

"Why are you doing this?"Jimin asked and slapped Jungkook's hands away."Because it's the only way I can make you happy."Jimin chuckled at him."You're right.It will be fun using you."Jimin said and walked away.

"It's still him.It's still Yoongi."Jungkook said wiping his tears.


After Yun-Se talked to Mr.Kim,he called Jungkook for a very important talk.

YUN-SE: "Jungkook,save him."

JUNGKOOK: "From what?"

YUN-SE: "Min Yoongi.He was Jimin's first love.He loves him so much.All I knew was Jimin lied to him and pretend to be someone.Yoongi loves him too but he got really hurt.I can't blame him tho.Jimin never opened up to me about it.I just heard it from his best friend,Taehyung.Yoongi goes to America with his father and since that happen,Jimin became so lonely.He barely talk to me and goes to club everynight.I am so tired scolding him every morning.I want you to make him happy.Please do your best,I want my cheerful Jimin back.I believe in you,Jungkook."

JUNGKOOK: "I will,I promise to make your old Jimin back.Honestly,I-I already love him.I want to be the best husband for him.Jimin owns my heart already."

YUN-SE: "I'm glad about that,Jungkook.
Jimin's heart is soft too.You just need to find a way to melt it."



"How are you guys?"Taehyung asked his best friend Jimin who's sipping his coffee."Taehyung,I really have something to tell you.Please don't be mad at me and don't tell this to Mom."Taehyung nodded at him.

"I-I am just using Jungkook.I need him to make Yoongi jealous once he came back."Jimin said playing with his fingers and Taehyung facepalmed."T-Taehyung I already told Jungkook-"

"WHY?!HE BROKE YOU ALREADY,JIMIN.WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE NOT HIM?You are not the one who saved Yoongi.You are not the one who he loves.I already told you, don't hurt Jungkook.He looks so weak.Can't you see that?Are you being so selfish? Don't love him,fine.But at least care about his feelings.He's human too,Jimin."Taehyung scolded his best friend.

"T-Taehyung,I understand you b-but it's just s-so hard.I can't love him or even care.I don't want him to feel loved by me coz I can't even love myself!"Jimin replied and Taehyung hugged him.

"Take your time.You'll be fine,I'm here.Just don't hurt him."Taehyung patted Jimin's back and Jimin nodded."okay,Tae.I have to go."

Jimin didn't meant his respond.He still sticked to the plan.He needed Yoongi,he wanted him back and he'll do it.


"Dad,I thought we are going back to Korea next month?Why did Mom say we'll be there next week?"Yoongi asked his frustrated father."I'm so sorry son,we have to go there soon.There's a problem with our business,I have to fix it as soon as possible.So,go arrange your things."Mr.Min said and Yoongi nodded.

Yoongi went on his room and collected his things.He arranged his clothes to his carrier but he stopped when he saw the blue shirt Jimin gave him."It's been so long and it's still you.......














It's still you even though I don't know your name.You saved my life but you didn't STAY for me."The blue shirt reminded Yoongi about the boy who saved him.The boy's shirt color was blue and it meant everything for Yoongi.


Are you excited to know what will happen to JiKook or nah?

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