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“Jimin..uhh..the pancake..it’s burning.”Jungkook was so shy to tell Jimin that he’s really not a good cook so he always tell it in a nice way so Jimin won’t feel bad.”Haha!What are you talking about,Jungkook?Pancakes have black side.”

“So you call your pancake a black pancake am I right?”Jungkook chuckled nervously and Jimin stopped cooking to look at him.”You...you..are telling me I am just...just being a bad chef for you?H-How dare you!”Jimin started crying and Jungkook didn’t know what to do first.The pancake was totally a damage and Jimin was crying loudly.

“J-Jimin..it’s not like that.Y-You just need to..be...uh..more than best.”Jungkook didn’t know how to compose a word that won’t hurt Jimin so he just said whatever he thought.”So you are saying that I am best but I still lack of something?”Jimin cried harder.

Jungkook turn off the stove and hugged Jimin but Jimin was so quick to push him away.”So you chose to notice the pancake first before me-“Jungkook was so struggling in that situation so he pressed his lips against Jimin.

Jimin smiled and wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck.They kissed softly until Jimin bit Jungkook’s lower lip.”Not today,Jimin.I have to go to your mom.”Jungkook chuckled and peck Jimin’s lips.

Jimin pouted cutely at Jungkook and did puppy eyes.”Jungkookie...minie wants you to stay with him..minie really loves Jungkookie..If Jungkookie’s not here minie will be sad.”Jimin said and Jungkook didn’t know what to do when Jimin’s acting like this.

“But Jungkookie needs to work.Jungkookie is going to Minie’s mom.Jungkookie will be sad if Minie won’t let him.I’m so sad,so sad.”Jungkook replied and Jimin laughed loudly.”What the fuck,Jungkook?”Jungkook just stared at him and chuckled.

“Okay,Min.I have to get ready.”Jungkook pecked his husband’s lips and smiled at him while caressing his cheeks.”I love you.”Jungkook said.Jimin smiled and hugged him.”I love you too.”


“Hoseok,stop it.You need to go home.”Taehyung found his friend drinking again and he was so worried about Hoseok’s health.”A drink won’t hurt,Tae.But Yoongi hurts me.”Hoseok chuckled but soon,cried.Taehyung really felt bad for the boy.Hoseok just wanted Yoongi but it seems like it will be a long time before Yoongi realizes that his savior was just right by his side.

“Hoseok,talk to him when he gets back.I have a strong feeling that you’re the one he’s looking for.”Taehyung said while putting the drinks away.”But what if it’s not me?What if when he gets back he’s with someone already?”Hoseok said,making a sad smile to Tae.

Hoseok’s like Jungkook before.Jungkook just wanted to be Jimin’s cause of happiness but Jimin kept on saying he had to find his first love who only made him happy when the truth is,Jungkook was right there by his side giving all his best to make him smile.

Hoseok just wanted Yoongi to be with him,to make him happy ‘cause he knew how lonely Yoongi felt when he was young.But Yoongi couldn’t erase the memory of his savior and the details he saw before he passed out.

“I won’t take it seeing him being glad with someone else.That happened already and I don’t wanna see it again.I want him to be glad with someone and that someone should be me.”Hoseok hugged his pillow and sobbed.Taehyung hugged him and patted his back whispering,”everything will be alright.”

After a few minutes Hoseok fell asleep and Taehyung cleaned all the mess.He decided to contact Jimin to tell it all.

“Hi,Tae.”Jimin giggled through the phone.”Hello,Min.I have something to tell you.”

“You look serious,what’s it?”Jimin asked curiously.Taehyung looked at sleeping Hoseok and frowned.”Hoseok was drinking everyday.He was with Yoongi this few weeks but Yoongi left.He wanted...to..find his..you know,his so called savior.He said he’ll be back but Hoseok is really sad and I don’t know what to do so I decided to comfort him.”Taehyung said sadly and Jimin nodded.

“Oh..Yoongi couldn’t get over with him.When we were together,it was really hard for me to pretend ‘cause he was so excited everyday to ask what is the reason why did I save him or something like that.Just comfort him and uh..maybe you guys can cook together.Just go bonding together.”Jimin said,cheering Taehyung up.

“Okay.Thank you,Min.”Taehyung finally smiled and got an idea of cooking with Hoseok.”’No problem,Tae.”The both of them hung up the call and Taehyung waited a few moments until Hoseok woke up.

“What time is it?”Hoseok asked and yawned.”It’s 4pm.Let’s buy some ingredients?I want us to cook something.”Taehyung said forcing Hoseok to come with him.

“Oh is that so?Okay.Let me change my clothes quickly.”Taehyung was glad Hoseok agreed with him.He decided to have some time with Hoseok so that the boy won’t be alone.

They got outside and went to the market.”What else do we need?”Taehyung asked and Hoseok put a finger on his chin.”We need uh..uh...a food.”Taehyung laughed loudly at him and Hoseok just looked away,he was embarrassed.

“I don’t know I’m not good at cooking.”Hoseok said shyly and Taehyung laughed.”Okay c’mon.I need a bottle of water.I feel thirsty.Do you know where can I buy one?”Taehyung asked.

“I know there are few who are selling near the close road.”Hoseok said and the both of them went there,they saw a man selling bottle of waters.”two bottles,please.”Taehyung said.

The man kept on blinking and looking at Hoseok.”You look familiar.”The man said.Hoseok was surprised and laughed.”I am?Maybe I know you.What’s your name?”Hoseok asked.

“Namjoon,Kim Namjoon.”Hoseok wasn’t familiar of it so he shook his head.”Sorry but..I don’t remember anything.”Hoseok chuckled.”Oh..why did you say he looks familiar?”Taehyung asked curiously.

“I am selling this for a long time.I start when I was 22.I think you are Mrs.Jung’s son.Am I right?”Namjoon said and the two was shocked.”Yes...how come did you know that?”

“You used to play basketball there with your friends.”Namjoon pointed the old house on the end of the road.


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