19:The Final Goodbye pt.1

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   "Can you help me?I really want to marry Hoseok.I don't know what to do,I can't propose to him."Yoongi facepalmed.It's been 3 years since they started dating and Yoongi wanted to marry Hoseok as soon as possible."Man,I just helped Jungkook with his problem with Jimin and now you're here."Taehyung whispered.

"Yah!I heard it.I promise,just help me with this and no more bothering."Yoongi said holding Taehyung's hand.The latter looked at him and nodded weirdly."It's not that I don't want to help you.I just have no time to cuddle with-"

"You have a girlfriend?"Yoongi's lips parted.He started acting weirdly,he put his hand on his chest and pretended to be shocked."Bro,stop or I'll kick you out."Taehyung glared at him.

Yoongi laughed at Taehyung and patted the man's back."So you are with Nicsy now?"Yoongi faked a cough and he received a hit from Taehyung."YOU  LITTLE BAD KITTEN,I SWEAR I WON'T FEED YOU!"Taehyung shouted and fixed his shirt.

"So..if you want to marry Hoseok,buy an engagement ring first.Jimin can help you with that."Taehyung said while pouring juice on his glass."I will talk to Jungkook.I'll ask him for any ideas."Taehyung smiled.

Yoongi nodded happily and asked Taehyung for a handshake."Thank you,man.You're a big help."Yoongi stated clearly.His heart was full of sincerity and love for Hoseok.He loves the man so much and he won't let him go.

"Okay if that's all.I will go now.I have important meeting with my boss."Taehyung stood up and grabbed his coat."Oh so your boss is Nicsy now?I see."Yoongi smirked,teasing Taehyung.The latter slightly blushed but rolled his eyes.

"Goodbye,Yoongi-hyung."Taehyung smiled and walked away.


"Don't baby or babe me,Jungkook!You left our child in the room alone.What kind of father are you?"Jimin shouted at his husband,holding their adopted child,Taji.Jungkook was left in the house in the morning because Jimin had to meet his mother.When he was taking care of Taji,his stomach growled.

He put the sleeping Taji on his crib and immediately went to kitchen to get some banana milk and made pancake.He was about to go upstairs when he felt like he needed to go to bathroom.Unfortunately,Jimin went home and saw Taji alone in the room,crying.

So the man thought that Jungkook wasn't taking care of him."Okay.Jimin I swear I am so hungry that I almost fell downstairs because I am in rush to cook pancake.Jiminie don't be mad at me I swear he was asleep when I went down.I-I don't know w-why....T-Ta...T-Taji is c-crying.I swear...K-Kookoo..j-just wanted some f-foods..so h-he m-made his...own..p-pancake...I'm such..a...b-bad..f-father."Jungkook cried like a 3-year-old child.He was rubbing his eyes and continued sobbing.

Jimin's heart melted at the sight.Jungkook had eyebags because he takes care of Taji in the night mostly than Jimin.He always tell the boy to sleep and said he'll take care of Taji.

Taji stopped crying and reached his hand to Jungkook."I-I'm sorry Kookie.You are not a bad father.Forget what I said.I was out of my mind.You are the best father,honey.Look at Taji,he said stop crying."Jimin wiped Jungkook's tears away and pecked the boy's lips."I love you."

"I-I love you too,Min.You too,Taji-ssi.Appa is sorry."Jungkook pouted.Taji clapped his hands and smiled."A...Apph....pha..."Taji giggled.Jimin and Jungkook smiled at their son and pecked the child's cheeks.

"I hope we'll stay like this forever,Jungkook-ah."Jimin pressed his forehead against Jungkook's.

"We'll stay like this,Babe.Our love will remain forever.No matter how many problems we encounter in the future,I won't leave you two.Everything will stay like this.Just stay...stay with each other's arms.Stay.."Jungkook whispered.

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