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"Jiminie,I made our breakfast."Jungkook knocked at Jimin's door.Yun-Se told them to sleep together but Jimin requested Jungkook if they can sleep on separate rooms and Jungkook agreed.He thought that maybe Jimin wasn't ready for that."Go away."Jimin shouted that made Jungkook surprised.

"L-Let's eat together,Chim."Jungkook tried again.He was about to open the door but Jimin opened it with an angry face."I SAID GO AWAY!WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO CALL ME CHIM."Jimin shouted at poor Jungkook."S-Sorry,I'll j-just p-put yours in the refrigerator and j-just heat it later."Jungkook said while looking down on his feet.He quickly went downstairs and cried.

"Why is he like that?Yesterday he called me h-his future husband..w-why is he so c-cold to me n-now?"Jungkook's heart was so fragile.You can't blame him,he lost his mother,his father left them and now,Jimin pushed him away."B-But I won't give up..maybe h-he's not comfortable with t-the new environment..he needs time t-to adjust..right."Jungkook calmed himself down.He already loved Jimin,he wanted to be the best for him.

On the other side,there was Park Jimin who's smiling alone thinking about his plans."Then he'll get jealous and beg me to be his again."Jimin chuckled."He's coming next month,maybe I should prepare so he'll be shocked."Jimin smiled by himself.He decided to call his Jin-Hyung to prepare him a nice clothes.

JIMIN: "Hello?Seokjin-hyung?"

JIN: "Yes,Jimin?"

JIMIN: "Can you buy me a 'PERFECT' clothes to wear?"

JIN: "Oh,I am a perfect guy so I am sure to buy you a perfect one."

JIMIN: "Thank you,Jin-Hyung.Also,don't rush okay?You have..uh..3 weeks to prepare it."

JIN: "Oh okay,Jimin.Bye for now I have to take care of Namjoon."

Jimin chuckled and ended up the call.The fact was,he couldn't move on.Jimin loved him so much.He gave all the love and the support to his first love.But it wasn't enough.

Jungkook prepared something for lunch.He loves cooking so much."And then just add this and...Done!"Jungkook said in victory.He succeed making a very delicious lunch for Jimin.He was so nervous to knock on Jimin's door.He was afraid to be pushed away,he was afraid to be left again.

"J-Jimin..let's have lunch.I prepared something special-"Jimin opened the door and looked at him."I have to go somewhere.If mom comes,tell her you allowed me to go outside.If you tell her and she scolds me,you'll be dead."Jungkook was too weak.He nodded at Jimin when supposedly,he shouldn't.

He just sighed and sat in the couch.He let Jimin went outside but it was killing Jungkook."Where is he?It's been 2 hours."He's worried about Jimin."What if he really hates me and leave me like this?"Jungkook wasn't sure if the Jimin he was talking with was really him."He's so nice to me yesterday.Why did he suddenly change?"Jungkook asked himself a question that he can never answer.

"I'll give him time,then I'll tell him I really love him with all my heart."Jungkook said while looking upstairs."Someday,you'll tell me that you love me too and we'll be happy together."Jungkoook promised he'll love Jimin until his death even though he just met him.He just felt it,he's the one.

"Ara,tell me something about your brother."Yun-Se said after eating with Ara."He acts like a child.In fact,he easily cries than me.I look like a big sister to him sometimes but,he has the biggest heart.He won't spend his time for something if it doesn't worth his time.He loves making me happy.He wants mother and I to be smiley all day.He smiles a lot but you know,in every smiles he show,he just forced himself to do it."

"What?Why?"Yun-Se asked the smart girl."His smile is his pain.He never wanted to see himself being completely happy.If you're too much happy today,tomorrow you'll cry all day,that's what he thinks.He's forcing a smile so he won't be dead crying."For a little girl like Ara,no one can express it like the way she did,that's what Yun-Se thought.

"You're really a smart girl,Ara."Yun-Se hugged Ara and combed her hair."I want Jungkook-oppa to change his point of view in life.I just want him happy."Ara cuddled to Yun-Se."I wish Jimin-Oppa will make him happy forever.I hope he'll take care of him,coz he's Jeon Jungkook,he's so fragile."Ara yawned and slept at Yun-Se' arms."I-I hope too."Yun-Se said hoping his son will finally change.

Jimin went on his favorite place,where he met his first love."In just few months,I'll be yours again.You'll be mine again,my love."Jimin said.Jimin's plan was to use Jungkook to make his first love jealous.WHO'S HIS FIRST LOVE?It's Yoongi.But he's sure he won't go too far.After seeing Yoongi's reaction,he'll propose to him and that's all.He couldn't move on from Yoongi.They had an almost perfect relationship but it didn't last long.Yoongi moved to States obeying his Father.


"Do you really have to leave me?Y-You said you love me,Yoongi!You still do,right?"Jimin said hitting Yoongi's chest."I love you,Chim but I'm sure we can't make it.We'll lost connection to each other,I know that Jimin!Don't wait for me,okay?You'll find someone better than me-"

"But you're the best,Yoongi!I LOVE YOU,YOU LOVE ME,WE CAN MAKE IT!The only problem here is you.You don't trust what we have."Jimin cried and Yoongi looked away."Yoongi you make me feel worth it.I love the way you care for me,the way you hug me,the way you comfort me!We love each other,Yoongi and I believe no one will treat me like the way you do.No one will accept me like the way you do-"

"YOU NEED TO BE YOU!Jimin,I love you.SO MUCH.I love you coz I thought you're the one who saved me.You lied to me!You don't have to be somebody for other's acceptance.You need to be yourself,Jimin!I love you but if you are pretending to be someone else for me,I am sorry,Jimin.I have to leave.Be happy."Yoongi walked away.

Yoongi was an introvert boy.He never talked to somebody else until he met Jimin.There was a time when he was almost hit by a car.There was a boy who helped him.He didn't remember the boy's face coz he was losing his energy he just remembered he has mole on his pinky.Jimin loved Yoongi so much.He tried his best to be noticed.Yoongi noticed the mole on Jimin's pinky.He didn't ask him if he was the one who saved him.But as the time passed by,Yoongi felt protected every time he's with Jimin.Yoongi developed his feelings for Jimin and they became together.Until one night,Yoongi had a nightmare.He remembered all what happened.The boy who saved him has another mole on his neck.He decided to ask Jimin.

Jimin didn't know what to respond but when Yoongi told him that he loves the boy who saved him,Jimin answered yes.Jimin lied to Yoongi.But Yoongi noticed the way Jimin act every time he open up the topic.
"It's not him."Yoongi thought and decided to confront Jimin.Jimin apologized to him for lying and Yoongi felt betrayed.He wanted to move on.So he decided to go to America with his father.

While Yoongi's walking away,Jimin wanted to backhug him and say he's really sorry.He was the only one he trusted yet the boy broke him.


"It's still you,Yoongi.I love you so much.I gave everything to you but you left me.All I ask for you is to STAY."-pjm


plz don't hate jimin or lil meow🥺

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