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Their wedding day came,Jungkook and Jimin were so excited and couldn't hide their happiness.Jimin was looking at himself at the mirror and kept on smiling."Jeon Jimin.I am now Jeon Jimin."

Jimin was so happy to think about his and Jungkook's future.There were a lot of things that Jimin imagined.Like,"He will be like Jungkook's wife and everytime Jungkook comes home,he will be serving Jungkook his meal","They will adopt children and live happily together ","He will be cuddling with Jungkook as much as he want."Jimin was so excited,he couldn't wait to do those things.

After a few moments,the time has come.Jungkook kept on looking at Jimin who's walking down the aisle.They had an eye contact and Jimin smiled softly at Jungkook.

Jungkook had a teary eye but he didn't care because it was tears of joy."You look so gorgeous."Jungkook whispered to Jimin and the boy chuckled at him."You too,Mr.Jeon."

They had a soft moment until the time came when they had to say their vows."I,Jeon Jungkook, take you Park Jimin, to be my husband,to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do us part."Jungkook smiled at him.

"I,Park Jimin, take you Jeon Jungkook, to be my husband,to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do us part."Jimin looked directly in Jungkook's eyes.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband.You may now kiss-"Jimin didn't the priest finish and kissed Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled in the kiss and held his waist.The crowd cheered and applaud.When Jimin was supposed to put his arms around Jungkook's neck,Jungkook pulled away."Let's save that for tonight,babe."Jungkook smirked and Jimin laughed at him."So wild,I like that."Jimin winked.


"JEON JIMIN!"Yun-Se shouted happily.Jimin chuckled to his mom and hugged her tightly."Thank you mom,for everything.I am so lucky to have you.I'm sorry for being a brat before.I love you,mom."

Yun-Ss smiled and pecked her son's forehead."That's okay,Minie.You aren't normal if you didn't do that.All people experienced being a brat.I remember when I was in High school-"

"You spilled your classmate's water and you didn't apologize."Jimin sighed because his mother told him the story for how many times."Oh how did you know that?"

"Mom you have told me that story for how many times!You didn't apologize to your classmate,I know."Jimin chuckled."No son,I gave an apology letter to my classmate."

"So who is the person you didn't give an apology?"Jimin said confused."The principal."Yun-Se smirked."Wait why is the principal included?"Jimin made a 'what the hell' face.

"I told my classmate that the water is the one apologizing and not me.I'm not the one who was spilled,I spilled the water."Jimin was so frustrated,looking at her mother."Does her mind functions that time?"Jimin thought.

"Then the principal told me I should learn how to apologize.He told me to say sorry and I didn't."Yun-Se said proudly."Why didn't you-"

"I didn't do anything to him why would I apologize?"Yun-Se shrugged.Jimin face palmed and sighed."You know mom,I gotta sleep.See you tomorrow."

"Okay,son.Love you!"Yun-Se shouted."Love you too!"Jimin said and went upstairs.He entered the room and saw Jungkook sleeping peacefully.

"Look at you,you look so cute when you sleep.I thought we'll be wild this night."Jimin sighed and caressed Jungkook's cheeks.He was about to stand up when Jungkook pulled his hand."What the-"


The two of them made love that night.They shared kisses that were full of love.They held onto each other so tight like they were afraid to let each other go.Jungkook was on top of Jimin, still holding Jimin's hands."I love you,Jeon Jimin."Jungkook pecked his lips.Jimin mouthed I love you and Jungkook smirked.

"You lost your voice? Don't scream loudly next time,babe."Jungkook chuckled and Jimin pouted.Jungkook had an idea of teasing Jimin."You didn't even gave the I love you back,wow so mean."He laid beside Jimin and kept on kissing Jimin's hand.

Jimin went closer to him and pecked his lips multiple times.He mouthed I love you again while looking at Jungkook's eyes.Jungkook smiled at him and cuddled him."Sleep now,my love.We'll have a great morning tomorrow~"


"Hi Hoseok!"Taehyung said happily looking at Hoseok.Taehyung,Jimin and Hoseok were best friends before.Hoseok just stay away from them when let Yoongi and Jimin together because he was hurt."Oh..Hi Tae.It's good to see you here.How are you?"

"I am fine..you?You don't look okay..Is there something bothering you?"Taehyung asked curiously.Hoseok nodded at him and forced a smile.Taehyung sat beside him playing with his fingers."Care to tell me?

"Yoongi's still finding his first love.The one who saved him in the market.Isn't he happy with me?"Hoseok confessed and sighed.

"I wonder who's that blue shirted guy Yoongi's talking about."Hoseok sighed and Taehyung's eyes widen.
"Hoseok-ah....A-Aren't you his..savior?"


"Hoseok-ah..stop drinking!"Taehyung scolded Hoseok."I gotta tell you a story.Hoseok was so young that time but Hoseokie saved a life.Isn't that good?"Hoseok kept on giggling.

"You're drunk."Taehyung didn't care about what on Hoseok was saying and kept on putting the bottles away."No..Hoseok is telling the truth.He saved child like him.Then..a blue shirted guy also helped him.Horay!Hoseok....Hoseok is a savior."Hoseok said and passed out in the couch.



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