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"Here are your clothes,Jimin-ah."Jin gave the box to Jimin."Thank you so much,Jin.Here's the money,accept it."Jin shook his head."Jimin-ah,I'm grateful you are my friend.You are always here for me when I lack of money and when I need you.You helped me and this is my pay back.So I won't accept the money.Okay?"

"But Jin..."Jimin pouted and held his hand.Jin chuckled."Jimin-ah,stop pouting you know that hyung hates it when you are sad."Jin patted Jimin's back."I gotta go,min.Namjoon's cooking-"

"I know.Last time you left him,he burned the whole kitchen so yes you can go now.Thank you hyung!"Jimin said and chuckled."Okay,take care,Jimin!"

Jimin hurried upstairs to check the box.He was so excited to wear it and meet his beloved Yoongi."Woah,Jin-hyung is very good at this."Jimin was very happy to the clothes Jin bought for him.He wore it and looked at himself in the mirror."Yoongi will love this."He said while giggling.

Jimin was interrupted by a knock on his door.He sighed and rolled his eyes."What do you need?"Jimin shouted.The door opened and there was a smiley Jungkook with cupcake."Look I baked this!"Jungkook chuckled.Jimin will be lying if he say Jungkook doesn't look hot while wiping his sweats."Hey?Earth to Jimin-"

"Go out."Jimin said and walked away."Jimin,please just taste this and I won't bother you."Jungkook pleaded."You won't bother me anymore?"Jimin asked."Yeah...but only for today coz I love talking with you even if you don't."Jungkook smiled at him."Aren't you tired,Jungkook?"

"I am..but it's fine.I'm Jungkook,I'm fine."Jungkook put the cupcake on Jimin's desk."I will stop when you're finally happy."Jungkook looked at him in the eyes."I already told you.Use me as much as you want,I won't complain.I love you,you don't love me, that's fine.I care for you,you don't do the same to me,it's okay.I know your love for him is very strong."

"If you love me why don't you let me go?"Jimin asked him."If I stay away from you,how can you get Yoongi back?"Jungkook said.He was all broken,he loves Jimin more than himself so he'll do everything for Jimin."Aren't you hurt?Jealous?"Jimin said with teasing tone.

"I gotta go,Jimin."Jungkook turned away.He was just holding back his tears but Jimin held his arm."Answer me."Jimin said firmly.

"I am more than hurt.I am more than jealous.I'm so broken.I envy him so much."Jungkook looked at Jimin's eyes but now,he's crying."That's what you wanna hear,right?"Those words are enough to make Jimin feel guilty."Yoongi's here,I know.You'll be with him soon."Jungkook took Jimin's hand away from his arm and kissed it.

"You'll be happy.No more Jungkook who'll ask you to eat lunch with him.No more Jungkook who'll ask you if you already took a bath so that he can wash your clothes.No more Jungkook who'll make pancakes.No more annoying Jungkook who'll ask you if you are fine time to time.I want you to miss me,like the way you miss Yoongi.But how could that happen when you can't even love me?When the time comes that You and Yoongi get back together,go to stock room.There are balloons and other decorations if you guys want to celebrate.I want you to be happy,Jimin.I'll help you,you'll use me."Jungkook said and sadly smiled at him."I gotta go,I have said many things."Jungkook chuckled and left.

Jimin was left there."I won't let this guilt destroy my plan."Jimin said frustratedly.Jimin laid on his bed."No more Jungkook...I should be happy but why does my heart wants him to stay?"Jimin didn't notice he was crying."No one ever sacrificed themselves for my happines but J-Jungkook does.."Jimin was so confused.He loves Yoongi but he felt guilty for Jungkook and he wants to heal Jungkook's pain.

"I finally found him,dad."Yoongi said with tears in his eyes."I'm happy for you,son."Yoongi's father hugged him."What's your plan now?"He asked.Yoongi pulled away and smiled."I want to know him more,I just want to know if he remembers me."

His father smiled and patted his back."That's fine,son.Take it slowly.I'm always here for you."Yoongi was so grateful to have his father by his side.His father was very supportive and always care for him.He never felt neglected when he's with his father.

"Thank you,dad.I love you so much."Yoongi said and bid a goodbye.He walked to his room and hugged his pillow."Are you the one I am looking for?"Yoongi thought and slept.

The next day,he decided to go to café.He felt so happy and free that he wanted to explore more.He entered the peaceful cafeteria and sat near the window."One macchiato,please?"Yoongi told the waiter.He sat there and wait until he saw someone familiar.

"It's him....It's Jimin."Yoongi said.Jimin was approaching him.He looked away until he felt Jimin's presence hugging him."I miss you so much,Yoongi."Jimin cried.Yoongi couldn't resist him so he hugged him back."Hey..I miss you too."Yoongi patted his back and Jimin pulled away.

"How are you?"Yoongi asked and Jimin smiled."Well,I am good.I am not when you're not here but now...I am more than glad."Jimin blushed.Yoongi has no feelings for him anymore,he wanted Jungkook.He wanted to find out if Jungkook's really the one for him.

"That's....good.But we talked about this right?Let's just be friends."Yoongi told him."U-Uh yeah..what I was talking about...uhh..just forget it.I was joking.I have..a boyfriend actually and we'll get married soon."Jimin started doing his plan.Yoongi was shocked but nothing more than that."O-Oh really?That's good.I wish the best for you guys."

"Yeah..he's so sweet to me,he loves cooking,we went to amusement park,we went to different museums,yeah we went to different music studios.."Jimin lied.Yoongi wasn't convince.He knew that Jimin said all his favorite places."I pity your boyfriend then."Yoongi thought.

"That's good.Take him to market too."Yoongi smirked.Jimin was embarrassed.Yoongi wasn't dumb to notice his lies."Look,Yoongi.I just want us to get back together-"

"You lied again,Jimin.How can we get back together if you are saying sorry for repeating your mistake?I told you,just be yourself.I don't have any feelings for you,Jimin.I have found him..."Yoongi confessed."WHAT?!No,Yoongi.HOW ABOUT ME?I LOVE YOU SO MUCH,YOONGI.ME AND YOU,LET'S BUILD A FAMILY TOGETHER,YOONGI PLEASE?I KNOW YOU STILL LOVE ME-"

"Jimin,enough.I DON'T LOVE YOU."Yoongi said looking directly at Jimin's eyes.It was like when Jimin said he doesn't love Jungkook.Jimin felt hurt."So Jungkook felt this.."He thought.

Jimin cried and Yoongi just looked away."Okay then,Goodbye."Jimin was about to stand up when a familiar voice was heard."Long time no see,Yoongi and Jimin."Jimin didn't know what to do,he was shocked.










Hoseok was Jimin's best friend but they fought because they both want Yoongi.And Hoseok,he was Yoongi's savior.


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