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"Jiminie,my son,tomorrow someone's coming.We'll have a dinner with him and tomorrow I'll tell you everything."Yun-Se said after they finished their dinner.Jimin looked confuse,he didn't know what was happening."Him?"Jimin asked and Yun-Se nodded.

"Don't think too much.Just rest,okay?I love you."Yun-Se patted her son's shoulder and she left.Jimin was thinking about a new father."Did she found someone special than Daddy?"Jimin asked himself.He ran quickly to his room and dialed Taehyung's number.


JIMIN: "You told me you saw my mother with a..young boy,right?"

TAEHYUNG: "Yeah they were talking inside a restaurant.Jimin whatever you are thinking,the boy looks good.If your mother loves him,let them love each other.It's time for your mother to find someone who'll make her happy."

JIMIN: "I know.I just don't want her to be hurt.Thank you for your time,Tae."

Jimin hung up the call.He was thinking all night about his new father.Is he good?Could he make his mom happy?Is he better than his father?Why did his mother chose someone who's younger than him?

"AISH!"Jimin shouted.He was frustrated.He couldn't wait to see what his new father look like.


It was a cold Sunday morning for Jungkook and Ara.Their Eomma was not there to give them food.There was no Eomma who'll wake them up.Jungkook wanted to see his father and tell him everything.He wanted his father to be guilty for leaving them.

"Ara,what are you doing?"Jungkook asked her little sister who was counting her money."I saved this money to help you.I know you also feel tired,oppa."Ara said smiling at Jungkook."Ah,come here little sister.I have something to tell you."Jungkoook said bringing Ara in his arms.

"We'll meet Mrs.Park this night.I will marry his son and Mrs.Park will support us.You will have nice clothes and better materials for school.Are you happy,Ara?"Jungkook said but Ara's expression didn't change.

"Oppa,I am already happy with the things I have.It doesn't need to be very expensive.I will accept those gifts from her but don't spend your money buying all the expensive stuffs for me.Mother used to say,do not waste your money for fame,use your money wisely to make your life change."Ara smiled at Jungkook.

Both of them are taught well by their mother.Even Ara in her young age,she knew what's right and wrong.They promised to themselves they will always remember what their mother told them.

"Don't be boastful.Be humble."Jungkook and Ara said and giggled.Their mother was not there by their side but the words she told them will never leave Jungkook and Ara's heart.

"The time has come."Yun-Se said after she placed the last dish on the table.It was 7pm and she was waiting for Jungkook and Ara."Park Jimin!"Yun-Se yelled.Jimin hurriedly walked downstairs.He was surprised on what her mother did."Where is he?"Jimin asked and Yun-Se smiled."Excited to meet him?"

After a few seconds,they heard a knock on the door."How did he passed the gate?"Jimin asked himself.Yun-Se quickly opened the door.

"Good Evening,Mrs.Park."Jungkook and Ara greeted Yun-Se."He has daughter?!"Jimin was so surprised.He couldn't even look at Jungkook's face.

Jungkook couldn't lie.When he saw Jimin,he was already attracted to him like he wanted to marry him that time.Jungkook sat in front of Jimin with Ara on his side.He smiled at Jimin but Jimin didn't return it.

"Jimin,he's Jeon Jungkook."Yun-Se pointed at Jungkook and Jungkook smiled."Jungkook,he's my beautiful son,Park Jimin."Yun-Se pointed at Jimin but he didn't even glance at Jungkook.
"And she's Jeon Ara,Jungkook's little sister."Ara smiled at Jimin and he was more surprised."I-I thought you are his daugther."Jimin said and they all laughed.

Yun-Se decided that they should eat first before they talk about the 'thing'.Jimin was just talking to himself."So I'll have a younger sister?This Jungkook guy looks like he's around 20's why did mom choose him?Do they even know how to use fork?Oh god,his sister is talkative but she's smart."

After a few moments,Yun-Se finally spoke."Jiminie my son,I regret what I did to you before,minie.I should have let you choose what you wanted and now,I am not stoping you for finding your work.But this time,as your mother who'll you obey,I want you to get married with Jungkook."Jimin almost choke on the meatballs.Jungkook gave him water and Jimin drank it but he was so shock.Is this for real?


JIMIN: "B-but mom,you should have told me this a while ago!"

YUN-SE: "Park Jimin,if I told you about this earlier,you won't be here this night.The wedding will be 2 months ahead,Jimin."

JIMIN: "Mom,I have my own life-"

YUN-SE: "You will agree to this,Jimin.It's final."

JUNGKOOK: "Ma'am if he doesn't want it-"

JIMIN: "You're controlling me again,mom.You know what-"

Jimin sighed.He ran and went upstairs.He was very angry.

YUN-SE: "Okay.Jeon Jungkook,I'm so sorry.I'm very sorry.Even if Jimin didn't agree,I'll support you and Ara.You deserve it,Jungkook.Don't refuse my offer."

JUNGKOOK: "T-Thank you madam."

Jungkook felt sad,he found Jimin very attractive.He already love him even though it was the first time he saw Jimin.They went home and Ara noticed Jungkook's frown.

"Oppa,don't lose hope."Ara smiled at Jungkook.He chuckled at his sister and patter her head."Yes,I won't."On the other side,there was Yun-Se who's cleaning the table.Jimin saw her mother and helped her.

YUN-SE: "I'm sorry,Jimin-"

JIMIN: "No,mother.I agree."

Yun-Se was surprised,she couldn't believe what was happening and hugged her son tightly."Thank you,Jimin."Yun-Se kissed her son's forehead."I agreed coz I know that you know what's best for me."Jimin said but there was a big secret behind it that will disappoint Yun-Se if she finds out.After that,Yun-Se called Jungkook and told him everything.For the first time,Ara saw the bunny smile of Jungkook."He loves Jimin."Ara giggled.

"I'll be the best husband for you,my Jeon Jimin."

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