2#six months#

17 5 0

Jomi's POV

It has been four good months with Karrie on that ship and I just wanted to scream,i thought my ears where going to fall out from Karrie's leaking mouth. Now I see why I did not want to talk to her in the first place

The ship was on auto pilot so I  had lots of time to rest.

I was in my little cabin,very small space. While lying down Karrie bursted in with an excited look on her face.

"Oh ,Jojo,I have been looking everywhere for you ,you rascal."she paused before she took a sit near me and I  felt like ripping my hair apart.

The ship was small,and she has been looking for me everywhere but my cabin,which she was supposed to check first.dumbass.

"Oh,i can't wait,just two more months and we are back in earth,i can't wait,i mentioned that before. I will be meeting my mum,my dad,my little sister Kate,have I told you about my family before?"Karrie asked with a huge grin on her face.

" Yes Karrie,this is going to be the umpteenth time if you tell me again,and I am sick of it!"I  replied.

"Let me just tell you about how our family dinner goes okay?"Karrie said.

I  was about to beg her to stop but Karrie started talking.

"So,daddy was reading a news paper,and mummy was being the perfect lady ,crossing her legs and chewing elegantly ,while Katy was playing with her food ,and I was busy texting on my phone. Mom got tired and shouted 'Raymond quit looking at the news paper..............."I interrupted her.

"Katie quit playing with you phone and Karrie,drop your God damn phone!"I completed for her.

"You have told me this story a thousand times Karrie please stop!"I begged.

"I will"she said,I was getting ready to say my thanks to the big guy up there before she just had to ruin it again.

"But I have to tell you about that when out house caught on fire,it was so epic"she said.

'just scream,scream,but it will make noise,what the hell ,this is goddamn space ,no one will hear'

I thought before I screamed for a very long time , letting all my frustrations come out with it,and when I was done,i looked at the startled looked Karrie.

I put on a fake smile.

"I have to go back to check if we are not passing any meteors ,be back in a bit,and you can tell me all about your family"I said ,said with a fake smile plastered on my face.

After I left I ran for it ,when I got to the control room,i locked the door behind and sighed ,I was just praying for the rest of the travel to not be as painful and excruciating as the last four months.

I sat down on my chair and just looked at the dark space,small rocks floating ,I was admiring everything before Karrie happened.

"Jojo,open this door this instant!"she screamed for the other side of the door.

"No can't do Karrie"I said thanking heavens that I locked the door.

"Well jokes on you cause I have another key!"just my luck. Sigh.

Karrie was already in the room with me and I wanted to jump out of that ship.

"I am starting to think you don't like me Jomi Davison"Karrie said with her hands on hips.

"You think?" I said not caring one bit about what she thought.

"I will forget you just said that hurtful statement and tell you when we travelled to Miami for vacation"Karrie said as she sat down on the sit next to me

"Are you doing this on purpose?"I asked trying my best not to cry .

"Doing what?"Karrie asked."just continue.

I was mad that Karrie was always talking my ears off about vain stuff,about her family.

I was mad that she wouldn't let me stay one place without making me want to cry with all her talks,i was mad because she talked to much,but deep down I was really mad because I have no family to look up to,to annoy people by talking about them,and Karrie was there telling me how wonderful hers is .It was very depressing.

Karrie did not know I was an orphan,obviously, so anytime she I asked I always changed the topic or I told her a fake story.

Karrie was a very nice woman,but I was being a meany because i was jealous.sigh.

And then I decided,i am going to make the best out of the coming two months with Karrie.

"You know what Karrie?,I am really sorry ,I have been ignoring you for to long now it's just that,that,i have no family,and when you talk about yours,i feel a little jealous."I said.

"Oh Jojo"she said as she got up to give me a hug.

"I am not mad at you,you are a lot nicer than some peeps I have met in my life. And I am sorry I kept talking about my family too much,its just that I miss them. From now on,i won't talk about my family again"
Karrie said and smiled knowing that Karrie can't stay a day without mentioning anyone from her family,but I did not want her feelings guilty about it.

"No Karrie,its okay,go ahead a talk my ears off about your family."I laughed and she elbowed me playfully.

"So what did you miss about earth ,if not your family."Karrie asked.

"It might not be as quite as Mars,but there are some places that are just breathtaking. My parents died when I was 10 years old ,before then we lived in a very isolated field,because it was very beautiful,beautiful sunflowers and lilies , I just loved the view. And not to far from it ,there is a lake,so breath taking"I smiled remembering it,that was the first place I was planning on going once I arrived to earth.

"How do you get to school then?"Karrie asked and raised one brow up.

"Car of course,even though it took a forty minutes drive, so I used to wake up very early in the morning."I answered.

"That seems like a very nice place"Karrie smiled.

"And peaceful too"I added .

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