15#the day#

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Three months later.

Jomi's POV.

I was carrying Tristans little one in my belly,and he was completely oblivious. I didn't know how to tell him,i wanted it to be special.

We started building another ship,i made friends ,Tristan made me realize not everyone needs a waiting list.

We had already have one year till some people die so ,I relaxed until the day will come.

But I noticed how it seemed the sun was getting larger,maybe I needed glasses,but it was definitely getting hotter,and yes there was increase in the skin cancer rate.

I already had my suspicions,but I shrugged it off.

I was in my office , eating ice cream,constant cravings I guess,when Jade rushed into my office looking completely pale.

I immediately knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"I told you the sun will blow up next year right?"Jade asked in I nodded.

"I was wrong,we have today and tomorrow to evacuate,because after that ,the sun goes boom"Jade said and now it was my turn to be pale.

"What that can't be,you said it will be next year!"I shouted.

"Like I said Jomi ,I was wrong"he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"We have to tell everyone,the evacuation process should start now"I said.

I called everybody,told them about everything,the whole world needed to know.

I disregarded the traffic light ,I was driving to Mily's school to pick her up. When I reached the office I left her in the care of Jade who was leading other people in the office to the ship that was on NASA,it could fit a thousand people. Jade and the rest of the team was to go to where our own ship was located,along with the people we  told.

I quickly drove to CNN ,I was very lucky because,they were on,i shouted they should go live and they did.

In no time I was shouting and anyone that was watching that Chanel was hearing me shout like a maniac.

"I am Jomi O'Neil ,I am a former astronaut,NASA has found out the sun is going to die likely tomorrow or next tomorrow,which will kill every living thing inside earth,we are currently trying to evacuate earth,but if you don't get the chance to leave,i am sorry,but those who are near a space station ,you should drive there and you will be taken to Mars,the only habitable place for the time being.!"I shouted. The news caster and everyone in that room were all pale,i couldn't blame them.I also said my house address so people could go there and board the ship.

I had to go back to the head quarters and find Tristan.

It seemed as if my news spread fast because the streets where in chaos ,everyone running around.

I parked randomly once I reached NASA headquarters. I could see that they were slowly getting ready for the launching process of their ship which held a thousand NASA workers.

I called Jade to see if everyone was at our ship already.

Me:is everyone there?

Jade:the whole crew is here. we are all here,except from you , Miran, Tristan and Matt,and there are also many people here too,the ship has up to forty thousand boarders for now.

Jomi:that's good.

Jade:find Tristan and get here immediately,we need to launch,but not without you.

I walked around the halls looking for Tristan , Miran,and Matt when I saw Chloe,did I forget to say Chloe was always bugging me,it even became worse when I married Tristan,but I shrugged her off. 

She saw me and started walking towards me.

"Just who I was looking for"she said with a smirk on her face.

"Look Chloe,we are in a dire situation,i don't have time for this"I said while trying to walk past her.

"You are not going anywhere Jomi"she said.

"I lost every good thing in my life to you,my flight to Mars,tristan ,my job! I know I am gonna die,but that doesn't me I will let you live"and that's when I noticed the gun on her hand.

"You don't want blood on your hands Chloe"I warned.

I knew she hated me but not to level she would point a gun at me.

"Maybe I do,i can't go to jail anyway,we are all gonna die.!"she screamed.

"But I am already gonna die ,why need to shoot me with a gun?"I tried manipulating her.

"Well I know your little plan Jomi ,I have known for months now,that you and your friends have a secrete ship,and I know,you are going to find Tristan ,well I locked him in his office once I heard Jade telling you that the sun will go. "She said.

And with that ,she pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but I didn't feel anything.

Am I dead?

I opened my eyes and I saw Tristan on the ground in a pool of blood.

"Tristan!"I screamed in a high peached voice.

How did he get in front of me?he took the bullet for me.

Chloe had already ran away and I cried,trying to stop my dying husband from bleeding.

Matt and Miran appeard behind me and then Tristan said .

"I love you"even though it was more like a whisper,i heard it.

"I love you too,Tristan just hold on"I said in between my sobs.

"Take her away"Tristan muttered and before I knew it,i was being dragged away by Miran while Matt stayed beside Tristan.

"No!,Tristan!,No!"I screamed while I was being dragged away by Miran.

Miran dragged me to his car and drove off to the location of our ship.

I could see it was already ready for launching,many people trying to get in but ,I saw Karrie with a speaker saying they are out of space.

Miran dragged me in and I could here people growl and complain by our action followed by Karrie yelling 'she built this damn ship!'. There was no doubt she saw my condition and she immediately entered while the door shut,without Tristan inside here.

The ship was huge,people where all cramped up,while Jade was directing where to go.

We made our way through the crowd to a room it was only the crew that was allowed to enter,Karrie followed. I looked up and saw everyone was there except for Jade , Tristan and Matt. Mily was asleep on a love sit.

I sat down and I let out more tears.Jade later joined us in the room.

"What happened?"Jade asked the question the rest were scared to ask.

"Tristan got shot,we had to leave him and Matt behind"Miran answered , everyone in the room had a shocked expression on their face while I let out more tears. Karrie came to sit beside me while rubbing my back.

The ship eventually launched while I sat down beside Milly ,I did not know how to tell her she would not be seeing  Tristan again,she got really attached to him.

I slept beside her ,the last person on my mind was Tristan.

Poor  Tristan,will he die or not,see that in the next chapter.

Things where not supposed to happen that soon but we should be prepared for anything,am I right?

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