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Jomi's POV

I had to order some people to start making weapons. The biologist did not even give us enough info to end that beast. But what I heard from other people was not good.

Well,the spider followed the hikers trail to the human population. They reported up to five incidents of bitten people to me,the spider was killed with ease since it was just newly hatched.

We had to get rid of those things , people were giving strict orders to stay in inside and under no circumstance come out.

Some people volunteered to go end the spiders , including Mily,she was only thirteen and she already thought she could take on killer spiders by herself,of course I told her no,which stared up an argument between mother and daughter but I still said no. we had enough people, everything was ready.

The space suit we wore was thicker than normal since the spider could puncture the other one .

The hikers led the way to the location of the spiders.One of the eggs hatched and I guessed it was the one we killed before. We broke the other eggs ,it was so easy,now for the hard part which was the mother.

But I was wondering,if the spiders from five years ago reproduced,then they had to be more than one mamma  spiders.

The big spider appeard in front of us,i bet it was mad since we killed all it eggs.

We immediately ran back to the Jeep while the spider pursued us. I got my new improved gun ready and took a lucky shot. Well ,it was lucky,the spider fell on the ground and I was pretty sure he was dead. Now to find the rest.

The gun I made was not a normal one,the bullets weighed tons more than a normal bullet,and the gun was much faster than other gun.

We kept searching until we came across a cave.

The Jeep was to big so we walked inside,what we saw ,was really surprising and disgusting. There where spider eggs on the ceiling,on the walls. Next to those eggs where,you guessed it,the big ones.

They started moving towards us at a fast pace and we made a run for it,while running I shot some down making the rest more angry,ones we were outside of the cave I immediately brought out the explosives from the Jeep and threw it in the cave. Out of curiosity,the spiders rallied round the bomb and the pressed the button causing an explosion followed by the cave collapsing with the spiders in it.

There was no way they could survive that no matter how thick their skin was,even us the ran far away was thrown away by the amount of force.

We all cheered.

Honestly,ending the spiders was so much easier than I thought,it was supposed to take months of planning and people dying to stop them,well people died alright. But it was still easy,mainly because they where all packed up in the same place,so why not use explosives .

We surveyed around the area to make sure there was no more left ,there was no sigh ,so hopefully,we were right.

We got back home and I gave the decree that people can go back to their normal lives.

I had to go back to solve the little argument me and Mily had.

Once I reached home,Tristan jumped on me ,making me giggle.I saw Mily standing by the side with folded arms.

"Hey honey"I waved at her.

"Hey mum"she said with attitude which made me realize she was still mad at me

"Common,why are you still mad at me?"I asked.

"You know why mum,i always try to do something to help but you never let me. I want to be going on adventures like you. I just wanted to be like you and you robbed me of that"she said in a sad voice which made me sad.

"Sweety you can never be like me,you will be better than me.But you have to understand,those spiders where dangerous,and what type of mother will I be if I put my own daughter at risk? I lost your dad,I don't want to loose you too honey"I said trying my best not to cry

"Sorry mum"she said while she made her way to hug me which I happily returned.

"It's okay honey."

The spider,i know you guys hoped for more action but this book is really not about action,the spiders was only a wake up call that mars will never be like home for them.

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