9#Waiting List #

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Jomi's POV

I dropped Mily at her school and I did a quick parent teacher meeting,i also had to meet with the school principal.

Turns out they were giving Mily a week break to bond with her new mum which is me,I also  found out I was also supposed to be given a week leave to spend time with my  daughter so I was going to address Mr O'Neil about it later.

The good things happening in my life did not stop me from commencing my smuggling plan to Mars.

The trainees or should I say astronauts were to fly to Mars in a week,and with their help,almost everything needed for survival was on the ship.

I was thinking of putting some of my inventions but I wanted to perfect them first. When I was in Mars I made plenty blue prints of ships and I actually invented a machine that can turn martian air into oxygen. But I did not think the world was ready for my invention. If up to one thousand people survived,then we could continue the human race.

I was doing nothing in my office when Tristan barged in. I already had my guard up in case he tried to kidnap me,again.

"What do you want?"I asked not even sparing him a glance.

"Common,i thought we where on good terms,like friends"he whined.

"Ha!,in your wildest dreams will I be your friends,especially when you kidnapped me ,twice"I reminded  him. I did not miss that he was whining like a child and so I made a mental note to make fun of him later.

"What is the real reason you don't want to be my friend? And in my defense , you punched me right in the face , twice!"he said and I chuckled,even though I was trying to be serious.

"Do you know how many friends I have in this entire universe?If I am being realistic I will say two,and one if them is not even in this damn earth"I laughed,but Tristan frowned.

I had always we a self reserved person,trust no one was my logo. Life was not as simple as I thought it will be after my parents died,but I did learn ,not everything last forever. People were mean to me ,called me nerd,cause all I did was focus on my future and not being stupid,well look how well I turned out to be. There will always be mean people and bullies in this world,no matter how hard one tries to eradicate ,I'll feelings from their chest towards their prey.

"Why are you playing hard to get?"he asked.

"You know Tristan,in order to be my friend,there is a waiting list. "I told him.

"A waiting list?"he asked.

"Yes,Jenny is my bestfriend,we flew to Mars together five years ago,we were stuck in the same cabin for six whole months and I did not say a single word to her,only if I wanted to tell her to get out of my way,we reached Mars and I had to share a room with her because the rooms where not enough,I still did not talk to her for another six months making a year even though she tried every possible thing,until one day when I got mad,I was just tired,i tried working with the engineers but the leader said no,I didn't need to ask why cause I saw why,they were all men,he was a damn sexist ,and the leader turns out to be your dad's best friend,mr Lee. I got mad and took the gravity Jeep out for a spin .Guess what? I got carried away and the dang Jeep crashed,the pipe supplying my air broke and guess who saved me,it was Jenny. She saved me despite me being cold toward her,she always defended me and she even accompanied me hiking sometimes,and I realized she wasn't like the rest,she was sweet. Turns out we were not different,she also felt lonely,but when her daughter came along everything was better."I said , smiling,I really missed Jenny.

"What about the other one,i bet she gave you one of her kidneys"he said sarcastically and I chuckled.

"No she didn't,you know her actually,she is Karrie ,the astronaut I returned with ,jennie had opened up the little heart cage I locked my self in and she came to stay in with me ,there was space for one more,so why not Karrie? And also,i didn't talk to her for four months , except to say mean things which she took well,i just loved her liveliness ,the real reason I actually started talking to her was because I felt guilty for being mean to her,we were the only ones in that ship and I was sure I was making her go crazy by ignoring her. But I later found out  was actually very nice talking to her ,but I hate talking to you for sure."I made it clear to him about the waiting list.

Go grab your waiting list Tristan.Let me see if I can make space for you.

"I promise you Jomi Davison,i don't need a waiting list"he said and I chuckled.

"We will see about that Mr O'Neil. But let me just tell you the flaw that is in your plan.Number one. You are a freaking O'Neil!only God knows how much I hate that bastard ,that goat in a humans body.!"I shrieked.

"You know you are talking about my dad right,not that I care or anything. Bit why do you hate him so much ?"Tristan asked.

"Well for one,your dad is a sexist,he believes women are worthless,i suppose if he had his way he would have only employed men I'm NASA. And he did not care about lives that will be lost,all he cares is about money and himself. I wonder how he even became the president of NASA,did he even finish college? I mean,he is so stupid,that,wow !he is very stupid."Jomi said to Tristan with made him frightened. Whatever I do,i do it with all my heart.If I love someone,i will love that person with all my heart,and if someone mistakenly gets in my bad books,i will hate that person with all my heart also.Mr O'Neil indirectly asked for my hatred ,and I gave it to him without thinking.

"As I was saying"I continued in a very calm voice as if I did not just ramble about how much I hate a certain somebody.

"You may be stupid like your dad,i don't befriend stupid people.You are to clingy. Only God knows how much I have dreaded your multiple appearance's to my office for no reason this past weeks. I other words,i hate your company."I said with a very sweet voice as if I did not just crush any hope in him of being good friends with me.

Happy reading.

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