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It was quite difficult for the once citizens of Storybrooke, Maine to adapt to their old lives when they returned to their home realm.

A realm where no Wi-Fi existed.

In only a mere amount of months, everyone had built what they had once lost back up again.

The kingdom was slowly rising up to power again, and nobody could be happier by it than the royals of the land.

One by one, everyone was gaining their life back.

Including Alicia Knights.


"Her wedding is in a few days."

"I know."

"Do you have your gown ready?"

"Yes, of course."

"Has it been straightened? Cleaned? Fluffed?"

"Yes, yes and why the hell would it need to be fluffed?"

Regina Mills shrugged and sipped her cup of tea. The young girl across from her bit into a biscuit and sighed.

"What should we get Emma for her wedding?" Regina questioned and Alicia Knights scrunched her face.

"Do we have to get her something? Isn't our presence enough?" Ali questioned.

"Let's just get them a baby dragon or something."

"Oh what a wonderful plan... 'Congratulations on your big day, Emma, here's a fire flaming animal that could cook you in your sleep!'" Alicia said sarcastically and Regina stuck her tongue out at her. Regina and Ali finished their cup of tea before the queen stood up and straightened her dress.

"Go get ready, Princess Alicia, we're heading to the Charming's castle by the end of the day."

And Regina left the young girl to her own thoughts as she left as well.

Ali cleared her throat before standing and giving a long sigh.

"Stupid weddings," she muttered as she left the balcony of the throne room.

Alicia absolutely hated weddings.


republished 06/20/2019

To those who don't know what this book is, this is the republishing of Once Upon A Time In Neverland, now with a new cover, new chapters, and a new title.

This was the first book I had ever written in my life, and I unpublished it a while back because I felt like it didn't reflect the best of my work (I wrote it when I was 12 or 13😬
Seriously, I read back and it was so cringey)

Well here it is again (8 years later) and I hope you all like it better than the original.

-Perri 🗡

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