#(1)Meeting Each other

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• Fathima •

Finally the day has come,the dream of my life has come true. I am going to be a professional detective in one of the best detective institutions. Detective department of UK.

Detective? And a Muslim girl of a Desi country? You gotta kidding me.

Those tantrums were hitting my ears before I stepped into the soil of London. Yet they didn't make my heart ache this time,rather it sprouted some seeds of pride,not takabbur obviously. 

But I miss my own land,my homeland. India. Never did I think I will be missing that earthy smell too much,those exhausting crowds;  stingy,dusty air, and most importantly my mother,with whom I am not that attached but her presence means something to me, significant.

Never mind.We have to lose something for gaining something.

London is wowing place, it's weather— soothing, unlike India,neither too evaporated or densed nor too light or hot. The vintageness of this country touches the heartstrings of many. Which satisfies my heart is I have got no troubles here,no dominating. Just free like the birds of this bluish sky.

Haven't I dreamt of a country like this?

Yes,but never knowing how my heart would hurt to leave the soil of my birth.

I along with Shahid will be shifted in our new house this afternoon.It is little hard for my brother to come  London accompanying me, leaving my mom alone in India. He has been Mama's boy always. Moreover his handicapness hurdled a lot when we were coming through airport. Shahid lost his right hand in an accident.

The cheif of Detective Department of UK (DDUK) has called me to inform that today, He is giving me a case.He is my uncle's friend.Wow! I am getting a case in the first day. Alhamdullillah!
So I told my uncle who lives here to take my brother Shahid in the new house at the road -7/6 in 2 meters north to the London Bridge.

The sun rays  are touching my skin like bubbles.They are warm and comfortable like in this sweet winter morning.After walking few steps I take a cab.

I reach to the Gigantic Building of DDUK .I can't even look at the edge! It's the building I am going to work.My dream land.I take my steps towards the slide glassed dashing building.

"Hello,Where can I find Mr.Gateson?"

I ask a man standing in a desk in the huge office.(so pitty that I can't give salam to them)

"Mr Gateson is in his office.Who are you,miss?"

"Actually I am a new joiner in the DDUK .Mr.Gateson told me that he wants to give me a new case."

He doesn't seem to answer back. How rude!

Nevermind.I see a template hanging afar and  go ahead the office of Mr.Gateson.

"May I come in?"
I say knocking the door.

"Yes,you may," he says without turning at me.

"Oh Miss Rahman, right?" Just after his glance catches mine,he shouts with rejoice standing up from his chair.

"Yeah,sir.I guess uncle Ben has told you about me."

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