#(4)What? we are... neighbors?

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After giving the evidence box to my assistant,Flix, I head to home.I am walking when I see a girl walking in front of me.She is wearing a burkha and I think I have seen her somewhere.In a second ,I get it that she is Fathima.I go closer to her and try to call her.

In a sudden moment, she turns back and pinch me with something sharp in my shoulder
I feel a little pain but after a second I fall down on the floor.
Then I can just see her running and my eyes close.

I get up after some time and I guess I was just fell asleep for a few minutes.
I wonder how did she do it ! Why was she here?Was she following me? Forgetting all these questions, I go to home hitting my brain with a shook.

I knock the door and I am still thinking about the awkward situation.My mother opens the door.

"Oh, finally you have come! I have a lot of things to say."

I try to step into the house when my mom blocks me and she says like a teacher,

"You don't say Bismillah again.Why do you forget every single time?"

"Because I don't do it on my own will.You force me ! "

"No,You have to learn!"

"Fine.Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim."

"You are now welcome to House in the name of Almighty Allah."

I say in my heart, Weren't you enough? Now I have got a new to lecture me.

"Did you say something?"

"No,just nothing."

"Oh I want to tell you that in the opposite side of our house...."

"Mother,I am really tired.I know there's a new neighbor and you met them.Now you will be telling me to meet them.But I am not interested in the neighbors."

"Oh sorry, I will send your food in your room.Can I ask how was your first day of the duty?"

Hearing this I don't know why I feel suddenly delighted.

"Oh really nice."

I go to my bedroom.And refresh myself.Then I go to pray for the first time on my own.Really I feel it now.

I am praying because of the deal of Fatima.But this time I am finding myself in a different zone.I have forgotten the deal when I stand into the Jainamaz.(where Muslims stands and say their prayer.) I am muttering the Sura Fatiha and praying for my Almighty Allah.I am feeling peace overall my body.My shoulder which was aching a minute ago is now fine.I feel very relaxing every time I am saying 'Allahu Akbar' (means Allah is Great) finish with  salam.It is not that I am praying for first time but I feel like something new, something better.

Then I open my eyes from Munajat and I don't want to say what I wanted from Allah.

Then I take a cup of coffee and go to sleep before setting alarm for Fajar namaj.(a prayer which is said very early in the morning.Before the sun rises.)

(Fathima's POV)

I wake up from sleep when I see it's already 7 am. Innanilliah!(said when something bad happens)

How did I not wake up for the Fajar Salat! I felt very sleepy after drinking the coffee.Oh no ! I have to go to the DDUK forensic lab for investigating the evidences.

I quickly get up from bed and I walk to the bathroom.This new bathroom is a little bit small for me according to the bathroom of India. I am not having much trouble but I need time to get used to it.

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