#(23)Mr Hafiz's Confession

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"Fathima! Fathima! Come to sense! "
Fahad says giving a shake to my shoulder.

I am freezed to see die a man in front of me.

"Ya Allah!!!! You killed Hafiz Sir! I will call the police right now!" The old man shouts seeing us.

" Wait,how do you know he is dead? You were upstairs,right?" Fahad says while taking steps closer to him.

"I---I kno.." he mutters and when he tries to run Fahad grabs his collar and punch his stomach.

He fall into knee on ground and Fahad says,

"You killed him! You ! Say Everything! Or I will hand over you to the police of Manchester !"

" Wait...(he coughs) wait! I-I didn't kill him...he just..." He tries to say .

" Say! Who ? Who told you? Where is he?"

" I will tell you,leave my collar!"

Fahad leaves him and he may have been hurted as his hand is already injured.

"Fahad,your hand!"

"Don't worry it's alright.We will take his statement right here.And the Manchester police should not know about this.Now we have to take the help of Mr Gateson.There's no way left."

" Hmm.I will call him and tell him to send a SST (Special Secret Transport) to take the dead body.But wouldn't he be angry to know we are here?"

" You don't worry that.I am sure he will get us out of this case by tomorrow after knowing all this.So we have only one evening and tonight to gather strong evidences to stay in this case.Or we have to...."

" Never! I can never leave this case! It's very important for me!"

" I know that.So let's give our best."

" InshaAllah!"

" InshaAllah!"

" You sit down there and tell us from the beginning.Everything you know." Fahad says with a sharp voice.

I take out my recorder and start recording his words.

The old man sits and he says,

" Mr Hafiz,he is my master.Only he and I live in this house. Mr Rahim is his brother but when he died ,Mr Hafiz didn't go to his funeral and he wasn't sad at all.He told me to go to Mr Rahim's house and take a diary from his wife after the day Mr Rahim had died.But DDUK announced that it was a murder case,so he refused me to go.He said, it was not necessary to bring that diary soon.We could bring it later also."

" Did he ever shared any information about his relationship with Mr Rahim?"

" No,he always stayed in his room and only came for eating.He didn't talk to me much. "

" Why did he received money from Mr Rahim?"

" I don't know the exact reason but he once told that MR RAHIM is cheating with him.Mr Hafiz was never in need if money."

" Well,we have to find out how he died actually! Just in front of us he died! And...as there's no one here only YOU can give him poison!"

" There's no chance that I will kill him.He is the only medium of my livelihood! I don't have any house,any family! I only live with him for food and basic necessities of mine! Why would I kill him? "

" To inherit his house and money?"I say.

"Oh come on! I don't need all that! Look at me! I am 55 years old! I am in this earth only for a few days,and I didn't have any want of anything! I was living well with him!"

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