#(19)The Train Journey of Fahad and Fathima

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(Fathima's POV)

"Something is wrong, something, we are missing," Fahad says rotating a pen on the table of the basement.

We are still in the basement, looking for some clues.

"Don't you think we should stop looking now? We have found only these food items which the killer gave to your aunt! There's no clue about the killer! "

" There must be ,Fathima.Every killer, no matter how much clever he is, he leaves a clue behind. "

" Huh! What a quote! Whatever! " I say rolling my eyes.

" Wait, why didn't I think it before? "


" If the killer is not Mr Daniel ,then it is clear that he didn't even kidnapped your brother! But your brother said Dr.Daniel kidnapped him! That means... your brother is......."

" NOT LYING AT ALL! I trust him! It can be possible that,the killer had worn a mask of Dr Daniel's face!"

" Don't get hyper! I am not telling that your brother lied but I am telling the fact!"

" Wait, I want to ensure it.Let me call Shahid directly."

I take my phone out of my bag and I call Shahid immediately.

"Assalamualaikum,sis,"Shahid says over phone.

" Walaikumusalam Shahid.Listen, I have something very important to ask.Look,Dr.Daniel is not the killer! So,he is not supposed to kidnap you.Are you sure that it was Dr.Daniel who kidnapped you?"

" What! How is it possible! I didn't even know Dr.Daniel! I told the artist what I saw! Why would I lie? "

" No, I know you didn't lie! But it is necessary to know who actually kidnapped you? Maybe it was another person wearing Dr.Daniel's face mask? Did you notice something like that?"

" Sis, it can be.Because I saw the person touching his face frequently. But I didn't doubt anything."

" Okay, brother.Thanks for saying.We are in a hurry.Talk to you later."

I cut the phone and I look at Fahad with a angry look saying,

"See? It's not my brother who was lying! It is the killer who is trying to frame Dr.Daniel! "

" Hmm......but why did he try to frame Dr.Daniel? He could also frame someone else....Does he have a motive?"

"No,he framed the most suspicious person to make us believe that the killer is Dr.Daniel.He knows about Dr.Daniel very well....The proves we have got can prove Dr.Daniel ' killer' easily in a outlook."

" Hm....what you said has a great chance to be the killer's motive."

" Now think about This!" I say Fahad pointing my hands towards the room.

" Hey,The killer  didn't hurt your aunt at all! He gave your aunt enough food,but he must have given that medicine through food! Yes,in the report , I saw there is no physical pain in your aunt's body except her throat ! That means,he only wanted to stop your aunt from telling about her but he also didn't want to hurt your aunt! "

" Yah,why would he care about my aunt? Though he killed her husband?
Moreover,you saw one thing? Aunt is in great shock! What did the killer told him that has made her so shocked?"

" Something very serious and painful for your aunt."

" And firstly we have to find, what is that killer going to do next? He already has killed 3 people and all the estimated persons are now blocked."

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