#(10)Who is she?

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I along with Fathima head to the London Bridge as soon as possible.We are trying find what is hidden here.There are many people and visitors who have come here to see the historical London Bridge.I have come here before and it is a nice place.

There's a calmness in the air. My hair was ruffling through its breezes. Wherever I travelled my eyes,it felt so nostalgic. This bridge had been a great interest for me in childhood. Not that I haven't come here frequently,as it is too near from my home. People come from far distances here but I, being a native have mostly ignored its beauty.

"Why don't we take a coffee?"I ask her as she gives me an annoyed look.

"Are you serious?" Her eyes dart mine as if thuders have landed in her blues.

Again she starts looking forward.

"But you promised..." I desperately contemplate.

"Yes,but don't you think we should focus on the case?" Her tone so serious.

"Ooookkkk",I shut my mouth and I also look forward to the crowd.

"What are we finding?"I ask when her nose wrinkles one more time.

"Yeah,we don't know what we have to find! Then why are we finding stupidly?"

"No,we don't know what we have to find,but the killers know what is to be found.And we just need to find what he wants before him."

"Why don't you act like this all time ?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean sometimes you are very wise but all the time you are such a....."

"Say it! What do you want to say?"

"Forget it, Mr Wise....blah blah blah" she waves her hand motionly in air with her eyes circling in her sockets.

"You are really really ..... irritating!"I shrugs as I am too much annoyed with her talks.

Suddenly I see her walking to a woman who seems like to be very weary and she is about to fall down to the ground. Fathima hurrily reaches there and holds her. I look her from a distance. How kind she can be at times!

With everyone except me. Duh.


After hearing the wiseful talks from FAHAD'S MOUTH ! I annoyed him little bit.Then I see a woman wearing a burkha and nikab holding the street light very firmly.I guess she is ill and now she is going to fall.l go near her and I hold her hand to help her.

"Any problem with you ,miss?"

"I- I am.... feeling dizzy!" A whispering tone words,the weak voice comes to my ear.

"Oh hold me,let me take you to the hospital!" I say assuringly on which she gives me a strange look.

"No,no I just want to tell you something!" A change in her tone,I notice.

I see that the woman is sweating too much.I can't see her face but she is sweating from her forehead. Beads of waterdrops has gathered in her skin.  I become worried.

"Yes,tell me how can I help!"

"Come closer, please come closer." She pleads with a low glib. Strangeness grows more in my chest seeing the haphazard state of this woman.

I go near her more and before I can understand something, she stands up, upright in her toes and puts me down the ground and she furiously twist my hand and she takes my diary from my bag! I try hard but I fail to free myself from her grip. The pressure of her knees on my back aches so much. Her sudden and unexpected encounter doesn't fail me to realize that she was the one for whom we came here. Unfortunately, I fell in her trap.

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