#(22) Nameless Father

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"Hello,am I speaking to Mr.Fahad?

" Uh,yes,Chen don't say my name over phone.Why have you called?"

"Mm... sorry for the mistake Mr.Wood.I called because we need you and Miss Rahma...  Opps Miss Clare in our labratoury.Mr Gateson said you two are on a date but please try to understand,we need you!"

As the killer is too clever, I told to use fake names to all the staffs and other people.But Fathima doesn't know it. I know she will be angry if she finds out I have gave her such a name.

" Say slowly! She will hear it!" CHEN says.

" But why?".

" You ....wait." I say while asking a minute from Fathima.

" Whom are you talking to! We are in front of Mr Hafiz's house! We have to enter!" Fathima says with frowned eyes.

" Wait, it's an urgent call." I say while going a little bit far from her.

"Mr Wood, I can't believe you two are on a date while this case is so dangerous and important at this moment. The killer..."

" Stop Chen ! Stop! I lied to Mr Gateson! We are not on a date! We...we are in Manchester city for some significant evidences!"

" What? But why did you lie to Mr Gateson?"

" Because...I knew Mr Gateson would not let us come here without any official process.But the killer would get informed about us if I did tell it Mr Gateson , though the killer already has found us and The killler is in this city."

" Oh my God! Do you know if Mr Gateson finds out he will sue you guys!"

" Can't talk now! I have to go, Talk to you later," saying this I cut the call and for a moment I keep thinking a lot about my job and Mr Gateson.

"Hey, Iced jelly there! Can you melt now?"

"What? Iced jelly? "

"So what? You are standing there like an iced jelly! "

" From where do you get these out-of-world words?"

" I will not tell you !"

" Fine! Stop! Let's go!"

Fathima gives a glare as if she is the aunt whose window is broken by me.

I knock the door slightly ,when Fathima says,

"In which age you are living? Can't you see a doorbell?"

I am about to say that," I was just..."

"Old man of 250 AD, " Fathima says under her breath but clearly heard in my ears.

I control myself for a moment.

She keeps pressing the door gor 3 times.At last an old man opens the door.

"Good afternoon, is this Mr Hafiz's house?" I ask.

" Yes,who are you?"

" We are..." Fathima tries to say but I stop her.

" We are his relatives.We need to see him in person."

" In person? "

" Can we please come inside?"

" Uh,yes you can"the man gently answers.

We enter the room and he lets us sit. The man enters in a room and tells us to wait.

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