#(28)An unrevealed Truth

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"It's Fajr time...I have to go now..." Fathima says softly,worry still not vanishes from her face.

"Wait! We have to go!" I say...

"But prayer comes first. You two leave me here.I will come to your location just after 15 minutes."

" You two means? I also need to pray!" Fahad shrugs.

" No! You two can't leave me!" I shout.

They both ignore me  with an angry glare and they quickly get out of the car .

I remain clueless and dumb.

Before starting walk,Fahad comes at the window and says,

"Flix,track down his exact location...or else I will say the DDUK that you hacked the location"

"What? How? Wait!"

He starts walking behind Fathima.After getting threatened by him, I start typing my laptop keys at a full speed and my sweats are wetting my hands eagerly. First of all I still can't believe that Mr Gateson is the real killer.Above all, I can't decide what to do at this moment.

(Fathima's POV)

"What did you say to Flix?" I ask Fahad quickly as we walk.

He yawns and says,

"I said that I will accuse him to the hacking if he doesn't track the exact location of Mr Gateson".

" Isn't it a lie? Moreover it's a threatening!"

" Yeah, I know it...but I didn't have any other way to force him"

" Your ways sucks!" I say with a ugly voice.

We are walking in the twilight,our footsteps are fast as air.

After reaching our road , I and Fahad split into our houses.

"Hurry....we have to catch him today"

"Hmm," I say while nodding my head.

When walking to the door, suddenly thoughts gather in my mind.


Fahad turns his head as I call him.
His hand was just to the knock of his house.

He looks at me and says with a doubt,
"Did you  just call me?"

"Yes,I did.Come here."

He keeps staring at me for a moment and rubs his eyeballs.Then he says,

"Am I  dreaming? "

"Come here FOOL!"

"Opps,she is really calling..." He says to himself.

He quickly  comes at the door of my house where I was standing. I quitely say to him,

"I am still afraid of Sha..."

Not letting me complete my words,he says,
"No,don't think it .I assure you!"

"Right, things are like....I should  be the one to take Shahid's side and you should  be....but. ..."

"Fathima! Don't take stress! It's your prayer time!" He calmly assures me.

He again takes his steps back to his house afterbidding me off.

I swiftly twist the holder of the door and take my one step inside house. I softly call Shahid's name once,
"Shahid? Are you there?"

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