#(2) It's a Murder!

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In some coincidence,

Strangers meet,
Dulcet their fate,
This is how time fleet.


I speedily walk out of Mr.Gateson's office. My mind is blowing up on him.
I mean the guy,Fahad.
He is coming behind me dragging resentments in my vein And it's super irritating!

I turn back and say,"Stop!"

He stops on his legs and his eyebrows frowns with a glitch.

"What happened?" he says calmly.

"You can go in front of me.I will go behind you."

"Okay,I am okay," he says when crossing me passing ahead.

We head to the car which Mr Gateson asked to take me.I will sneak-peak the case's file in the car.

I am about to open the door of the car of front driving sit when he holds the handle first and twists it. I quickly move my hand from the handle carrying much disturbance.

He glared weirdly.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I am sorry but I thought I will be the one to drive the car.You can take the other sit."

"Why?Do you think you will win this just because I am a girl?"

"What's so about winning or losing?
Are we here competing in a contest?"

"I mean you want to show that you are more talented and deserving for a detective ' s work so that Mr.Gateson give you the next case. Isn't it?"

"Wow, impressed with your imagination.But actually I was trying to help you , because I thought you could look at the case file in the car!"

His voice is vigilant.

I bite my lips firmly and give him a guilty look and like a good girl I slowly head to the other sit.

While sitting in the sit I mumble slowly,

" Oh no I misunderstood!"

he must have heard it as he smirks at me.

I call the crew to reach the location at first.Then I open the case file.He says,

"What is your full name?"

After 10 seconds thinking I should say or not I say,

"Fathima... Fathima Rahman".

"Oh ! I have a cousin named Fatima.There are many Fathimas I see."

"Yeah because The Real Fathima is a legend."

"Real Fatima?"

"I mean Fatima (R.A)".

"Uhhh....ummmm"he keeps muttering.

"Don't tell me you don't know who is Fatima (R.A)".

"So.....sorry but I really don't know!"

"What! Are you sure you are a Muslim?"

"Undoubtedly! But I actually don't pay attention to religion much"

Stupid! You are.(Said in heart)

"She is the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)"

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