#(19) A big disclose!

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I wake up from sleep by the sound of my Alarm at 4:30 am. I didn't even realize when I felt asleep! Oh no, I am sleeping in a armchair in Fahad's terrace! A thick quilt is over my body.Where did it come from! No time to think that! It's Fajr time!I missed the tahajjud prayer! I have to go to home before Fahad's mom and dad come here. I quickly turn off my alarm.I can see Fahad is also sleeping in a armchair inside a quilt.

And I hurrily rush to the stairs.Suddenly Fahad calls me from behind,

"Where are you going?"

"Wake up ! It's Fajr time! "

"Whaaaa......" Fahad takes a huge yawn while rubbing his eyes.

"I am going to my home!Meet you at 8am.Wait for me outside my home."

"Fine.Go....." Fahad says while again trying to go to sleep.

" Wake up!Don't you have to say your prayer?"

" Huh? Uh, I will say it, I will do it....you go......" He says while again getting his quilt over his body.

"No way! I am not going before you do your ablution!"

"Why? Why? " He says while walking towards his room lazily.

Oh my Allah ,how lazy he is!

"Have again fell asleep?" I say a little louder.

"No,no, I am not going to sleep again, madam! You can go!"

"Who is your madam? Ugh!"

I walk quickly to my home.The roads are all pin-drop silent as there are no Muslims here who might wake up for praying.

I enter my house and say my prayer.Then I recite the Holy Quran for an hour.Then after taking breakfast, I get ready for leaving home.


Oh my my, I am feeling sleepy! This Fathima has ruined my sleep ! But in a while I have to go for DDUK.Today we have to go to Dr.Daniel's house.

I get ready and I am about to go outside to wait for Fathima.

"So,you are leaving early today?"mom asks me while washing the plates in the kitchen.

"Yes, today I have to go to Dr.Daniel's house."

" Why?"

" Oh no, mom, I forgot to tell you Dr.Daniel is dead!" Without any surprising expression I say gravelly.

" What! When? How?" The news being shocking halts my mother from her kitchen works. She worriedly asks.

" I can tell you later."

" Fine! I know you will never tell me that! "

" No, I promise!"

" Ok,by the way,when did you come home yesterday ? U didn't even have the dinner! When I went to your room I was astonished! Your room was so clean! And you were sleeping!"

I tell in my heart, thank Allah I had placed pillows under quilt! So,mom thought I was sleeping!

" Uh...... Yesterday I had....an... important task to do......umm"

" What task? You didn't enter through the main gate! Why did you enter with the backstairs of terrace?"

" Actually..... yesterday it was Lyrid meteor shower! Yes .......I watched it for late and I didn't want to disturb you and dad!"

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