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(A/N: Assalamualaikum readers. Hope you are fine. It is the last chapter 🥺)

 It is the last chapter 🥺)

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" Americaaano? Cappucci-no? Latte?" Fahad asks dramatically.

" Don't know the taste of any one" boreness takes upon my voice.

He takes his palm on his face.

" Gosh! You are such a boring Miss Rah-man! Waiter bring two cup of Americano."

" Fahad, I am going to tell you something."

"Hmm...I am listening."

" Will they hang Mr Gateson to death?"

" Why do you ask? Don't you know it?"

" You didn't let me stay at court and grabbed me from police station!

" Because our duty was to find the real killer and we did it.We have no rights to punish him. It's court's affair."

" But....I am still not able to find why Shahid behaved weird that night.I called him at midnight! He was still awake then! Why? I am not supposed to doubt him as his sister....but I..."

" You will find it just after few minutes."

" What? Bad joke!"

" Wait..I am not joking".

" Whatever."

The vapour of coffee catches my glance at it and it's aroma is too much mesmerizing with the Weather. After placing the coffee just in front of us,the waiter leaves.

" Fathima....what is the name of your father? Why didn't you tell it to us? I mean when Mr Gateson asked....and As you are Dark Detective Agent's daughter, you have got a huge amount of money....have you thought what are you going to do with it?"

Flashback crosses my mind.....

"Congratulations to both Detectives!
You did a great job!" the cheif police officer said with rejoice.

" Alhamdulillah, " I  said under my breath,though my heart didn't yet got the relief.

" WAIT ! " Mr Gateson shouted breaking our smiles.

His shout made us look at him at once.

" I  want to know the Dark Detective Agent 's name.It's my last wish."

" Huh...are you kidding? No one knows it,Mr Gateson. And so sorry to say that your last wish will remain just a wish," Flix said with a smirk.

" Flix.....you were a pretty much good assistant ...but not loyal. "

"LOYALTY? GENTLEMAN.....LOOK WHO'S TALKING OF LOYALTY?" Flix said with much grudges in his tone.

" Maybe someone knows about Dark Detective Agent's name.....Miss Fa-thi-ma  Rah-man?Dark Detective Agent's daughter... Don't you know it?

What's The Detective's Name?✓ (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now