#(24) An unwanted case solved

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The roads in front  of  Mr Hafiz's house  are dazzling of sun rays.The sun rays are showing one color but different glazes which makes my body feel soft warmth.

I keep  walking  with Fahad.Quitely.There are some words crossing his mind,undoubtedly it is the only reason of his silence. I keep thinking  about the things that has happened recently in my life.

Why? Why did Mr Hafiz killed his own brother? For wealth? Just for wealth? He is now at the last period of his life.Why would he do that? He said," We killed him" .Is there any another meaning  of it?

"Listen, " Fahad breaks my thoughts.


"We have to take that woman to Mrs Ruby's home. Secretly. "

"But why?"

"I will tell that later."

"You always do that," I say flipping my lips.

"It's my habit."

"You better change it."


(At Mrs Ruby's house)

We reach with a bouquet of Flowers to Mrs Ruby's home. It was my idea to show the invitation more realistic. We talked to the woman for a moment and I realized why Fahad told to bring her secretly. As his idea,we arranged some police officers to bring her after us and hide her until we tell them to bring her inside house.They were quite co-operative,though I didn't except much from Manchester Police. Their chief officer  is already annoyed because we caused a SST. The police officers don't even have the access to question or collect data in a SST operation.So it must be sorrowful for them.

(Fahad's POV)

After ringing the doorbell, Mrs Ruby opens the door with her evergreen smiley face. It clears that she was waiting for us.Fathima hands her the flowers which make her smile bigger and sweeter  than before.

"Oh dear,Thanks a lot!"

"It's my pleasure",Fathima replies with a smile.

"How are you,Mr Fahad?"

"Oh,I am well.And you?"

"I am always good."

We enter the beautifully decorated house with close steps. After a while,Mr David comes out of a room.He smiles and says,
"So the guests are here."

"Let's sit to dinner!Rats are running in my stomach! It's already 8:30! " Mrs Ruby bursts with much excitement.

"Oh sure."Fathima says.

We sit in the small square shaped table.I start observing the house so carefully when Fathima whispers in my ear with rubbing her teeth,

"Don't stare like that,they will doubt you."

I frown my eyes with giving  her gesture to stop her mouth.

"So,Let's talk something about you,Mrs Ruby. "

" Oh, about us? Let me tell you" she says getting excited.

" No, I would like to hear from Mr David", I say with a smirk.

Mr David suddenly up his eyebrows and says,

"From me?"


"What should I say?" Mr David acts weird.

"Let me clear that. I want to ask,Did you have any girlfriend before marrying Mr Ruby?"

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