#(16) Killer is dead!

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Before we are about to leave the house,Fahad suddenly whispers in my ears,

"Wait,we are forgetting something."

"What?" I say a little bit louder. The sound of our breaths were clear enough to be heard because of the awkward silence of this area.

A part of mine already started growing impatient on how to make things easier for me and Fahad. There has been many days,I have judged myself for engaging in a case with a na-mehram but looking at Fahad's decency,the sinister part of mine shuts my mind. I just seek protection of both of our hearts from Almighty.

Fahad quickly takes a small diary out of his coat's pocket and he writes something there.Then he gives it to me,he has written,

"Mr.Daniel must be here,His phone his here! We will pretend to go but we will come inside this house through that fridge to catch him."

" Good idea!"I say loudly but all on a sudden when I realize I must be silent I bit my tongue.

"Let's go!"


I and Fahad get out of the house and we act like we are leaving that place in front of the guards also.We haven't told the guards also about Dr.Daniel because he may get alarmed by it.

I and Fahad go to the right side of that house.While walking I say to Fahad,

"You have a sharp mind but your handwriting is much worse!"

"Whhaaattt? I had to write because If Dr.Daniel is there he will find out our plan!"

" Ok,ok it was not so bad."

" Let me see your handwriting!"

" No worries, it's much better than you."

Fahad says nothing as he suddenly looks at the road so carefully and he is observing something deeply.

"What's the matter?" I curiously ask.

"A clue! A big clue! "

" What?"

" Look there are the traces of wheels here."

I go near him and I look at the traces.

" How is it possible? There is only traces of two wheels which are not like cycle."

"Yeah, it's not a cycle's wheel it's..."

" Wheelchair!"

" Yah, I have seen in Shahid's wheelchair also.Only the wheelchair has such wheels."

" Could it be that the killer uses wheelchair?"

" No,he might pretends to use a wheelchair.I mean if he needs to use a wheelchair that means he is a handicap with leg or body."

" Yah, that makes sense.So...can it be Sha-hid?" Fahad shruggingly doubts. The stuttering of his tone displayed how he does know that this would me annoy.

" Whatt are you saying? Are you crazy! You think Shahid came here?"  I am surely not sparing him for a clarification.

" No,you are mistaking! I didn't say Shahid is the killer! I meant the only person we know who uses wheelchair is your brother! Dr Daniel may have used the wheelchair to frame your brother?" The sudden change of his thoughts surprises me yet I give a bored look.

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