#(9) Things are getting more interesting!

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There are so many questions but there is no single answer in our minds.A part of my heart keeps thudding because of the continuous mysteries folding one over another.

" THIS CASE IS SOO DIFFICULT!"Fahad screams to himself gripping a thobe of his brown hair in his grip.

"Believe in Allah," I unexpectedly softens my voice on which he glares at me. Crap!

Why do you have to be that goddess of knowledge Everytime,Fathima! I mentally slap my head.

"Okay.Let me know how you found this clue.Please I will surely get something!"

"Fine,my father told me in my dream
That we have all we need and we need to use the things we have ! "

"Dream? Though your father's talk makes sense.We have got many things but we can't fix them accordingly." He contemplates with a curious face.

Fahad's phone rings and he picks it up.His face is getting more and more confused.After the hanging up the phone he starts saying,

"Yes,we have got something."


"It was Dr.Daniel. He researched the little bottles we found from the Chinese show-piece.It is a liquid which makes invisible writings visible!"

"Does that mean it we can use it in the diary? "

"Yes,we can."

"What can it show?"

"Don't know! It maybe some clue?"

"We will see it first tomorrow."

"Okay, meet you tomorrow.Now I have to go," He gets up from the chair running a hand on his hair.

"You may go.Your mom's gonna worry."

"Yes, she is worrying."

"Your mom loves you very much,right?"

"Of course she does.Sometimes excess!"

"Mother's love is never less for her child."

"Hmm.What about your mom?"

"Let's not talk about it.You should go,"
I dismiss the topic which has been always unfavorable to me. The uncomfortableness itches my mind.

"You are up to getting me out of your home! Am I annoying you ? "

Oh his dramatic soul! Why does he really really behaves so annoyingly!

"Yes,you are." I taut my jaw and bite my inner cheek to control the laughter after seeing his fallen face.

"Fine,You were the one to call me here! Now I am leaving for your good!"

He quickly gets out from my room.I think I have not done a good behavior to him.I regret.I should apologize to him soon.But don't know why I feel really fun when he gets annoyed.Especially because of me.

I walk behind him to say him sorry when I see he is already out of my door.I look at Shahid and I say,

"Is Mr.Fahad out?"

"Yes,very furiously.Something happened?"

"No,I forgot to tell him something."

I quickly go to the door and I see him in front of our postbox.He is doing something on the ground.I softly walk to him closer but I don't want him feel my presence.I notice him talking to the floor.Then I see him cuddling a little puppy and telling it,

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