#(26) The Real Killer

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"MR GATESON? " Fathima gasps.

"Oh,you have done a great job!"Mr Gateson says with a big but different smile on his face.

There's two uniformed policemen standing behind him.
The dullness in Mr Gateson's eyes proves that he is really not happy to leave his bed at this late night.

"Why have you banned us from investigating the criminals? After all we are in charge of the case!" Fathima says quickly.

"Oh,because I thought you two don't deserve it..."

"What? But why?" Fathima again gasps.

"So what should I think if my two detectives go on a date leaving their important case! Oh yes,how did it go,Mr Fahad?And you...two went on a date but how you caught the criminals there?"

I startle and start to realize what is gonna happen...

"Wait ! What...? " Fathima says with a worried face.

"Astagfirullah," she says under her breath.

After a while,she again breaks the silence,
"DATE? ARE YOU SERIOUS ,SIR? We didn't go on a date or that silly kind of work! We went to Manchester for collecting information about Mr Hafiz!"

"Yesss...I have come to know how you solved the case of Mr David and Mrs Ruby....And also tracked information about the killer and have also caught the criminals ....BUT! Mr Fahad?
Didn't you lie to me that you two....went on a...."

Fathima stares me with her unforgivable angry eyes and I feel like running away from the place to get rid of that face.

"Uhhh.....I was...told..I told...that...Date?.....actually it wasn't a date at all! We were really investigating the case seriously....But...I-I lied..."

Fathima starts to glare me more angrily with her fiery eyes as if her eyes is going to burn me with fire...
she says with firmly gritted teeth and frowned lips,

"You....told that To MR GATESON?"

"Um..uh..I guess,Yes?"

"WHY?" She shouts with her face on mine.

"I HAD NO CHOICE ! I could only find this way to convince Mr GATESON! Otherwise he wouldn't let us to go!!!! He is ROMANTIC ! AND FLIX SAID IT WAS THE SAFEST WAY!!!!" Unintentionally I made my voice louder that I never had did before.


"MISS RAHMAN! Miss Rahman!
Stop it ! It's police station! And what's so big deal in a date? Moreover it wasn't even a date! And he is right! My heart melted seeing you two going on a date,that's why I let you go otherwise I never did that...But thank God! You two caught the criminals! " The words came out of his mouth speedily and crossed Fathima 's mind that made her calm.

"Sir,Can we now investigate the criminals? We are waiting for it for a long time!"

"Trying to change the topic? Don't think I am gonna forgive you for that...I'll see you later"
Fathima says with a calm but scary voice which is enough to tremble my hands.

" Fine...Let's end it here and you two now can investigate the criminals as soon as possible. "

(Fathima's POV)

I keep saying in my heart when heading to the cabin of criminals,

You...Stupid Fahaaaaad! How could you say such disgusting thing to Mr GATESON? I feel like hitting your head as hard as I can.....Ya Allah! Forgive me ..."

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