#(14) The Sketch of Kidnapper!

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Mr. Gateson

These two detectives are going to kill me out of tension. I don't know why this difficult case had to come upon them. But I really appreciate their bravery and talent. They are doing their best. But like every single time, they are here with a new problem.Here comes Fahad, who looks like to be a young eligible boy but what the hell is he doing in this case! And now this Brave Girl,Fatihma,She is so confident! But she can't bear loss! They both are looking distressed, which is a ever wanted thing I hoped.

Fahad opens his mouth while taking his hat of his head,

"Sir, we need to find the killer as soon as possible ! He is really dangerous! "

" I even know that! What have you done now!"

" Sir,we haven't ! The killer has! " Fathima says.

" Can you explain,Miss Rahman?"

" Actually sir,we had gone to the house of the friend's child who was supposed to visit Mr.Rahim the day he died."

" But why did you need police for that?"

"Sir, the killer already knew that we were coming.He kidnapped my brother and he even killed the suspect who might know him!"

" What! The killer kidnapped your brother? But why! How! "

She starts to explain me the whole thing which makes me more interested about them.

"The killer seems to be a professional because the personal information of our detectives are not allowed to any person! How would the killer got it!"

" That's true ,sir!"

Fahad says," Sir,may I say something?"

" Shoot it!"

"Sir, I think the killer is taking the help of someone in our department...."

" Impossible! Why our staff would do such things! They all are honest!"

" Maybe for money?"

" They don't need money! They get high salary!"

" Greed can't satisfy any person with any salary."

" He's right! Sir ,can you please give us a artist? Sketch artist?"

" But why?"

" Shahid has seen the man.Maybe he can guide the artist about him and we may get to know his face?"

" Good idea,Miss Rahman. You will get one.I will send him to your brother's cabin in the hospital wing.You two can go there."

" Thanks sir.We will leave now."Fahad and Fatima both say bowing their head.

They leave my cabin and I can see them again fighting on some matter.
Uh! They are still childish! Oh what a headache! I must do something with these ..there being the thorns of my way...


After leaving Mr.Gateson's cabin,we are about to go to Shahid in the hospital wing.

"There's time for coming the artist.We should let Shahid rest till then." Fahad sighs.

"Yeah,you are maybe right."

"So, let's have some coffee?" He raises his eyebrows .

" No way! "

" Why?"

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