#(29) Unknotting the knots.

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"Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah,
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah", I say at right side first and then left side.

After finishing the Salah, suddenly my phone rings.

"Flix? Have you found his location?"

"It's your house! His location is just near to your house! "

" What? "

Without wasting a second, I rush to downstairs and in a minute I search the whole house from corner to corner.

Where? Where is he? HE IS NOT HERE!

Oh no! Is he in Fathima's house?
Yes! He is there! Allah save her!

I rush to The opposite side of road at Fathima's house. First, I take my slow steps to peek into Fathima's house by a window. Yes, I was right. He is there.

He is pointing a gun towards Fathima and Fathima is carefully looking at the diary.

I swiftly hold a stick from the garden and I am about to save Fathima like the heros of Films as Mrs Ruby said.
Remember what Mrs Ruby said,

"Mr Fahad! You have to be brave! You have to act brave! Fathima is a brave girl! She will like you if you are brave! Do something brave!"

Yes, I can do it.As soon as I try to break the door with a force of my push,the situation flips. Ouch!The door is too hard.I can't break it with my physical strength. Oh no! Mr Gateson had known there's someone...I have to hide!

I hide behind the door as I hear some footsteps coming near me. I stay Ready with the stick in my hand.But as I hear the opening sound of door, I jump in front of the door and suddenly I see Mr Gateson falling down on floor .He is wearing same dress as Shahid. I see Fathima standing boldly behind him. Undoubtedly she has pinched her fainting hijab pin into Mr Gateson's body.

"Alhamdullillah! At last I have caught you!"

My palm without my will, reach my face seeing the whole situation flipping. Oh my Allah! What rubbish did I think! Mrs Ruby's ideas are also stupid like her.

"Fahad? Why are you holding that stick? " Fathima says with an unexpected eyes.

" I-I just thought.....forget me....How did you...?"

" Thanks to Almighty, you came on time. You saved me. Jazakallahu khairan."

" I saved you? But you yourself made Mr Gateson unconscious with your pin!"

" But I could not do it unless you made a noise at the door and divert Mr Gateson's attention there," she says very softly.

" What did he do?"

" He said...Mr Hafiz and Mr Rahim are the killer of my Father,that means,they are the killer of....Dark Detective Agent."

" WHAT?"

" Yes, it matches Mr Hafiz's saying.He said "we killed him" . Now it matches all. Aunt Lily said she was made a killer because she was told that Her Husband! Mr Rahim! killed a man. And... In India,wives are thought same guilty for husband's misdeed. She got a shock and that's why she was in a panick!"

" So.... it's the matter...." I say while rubbing my chin slowly.

" Hurry up...call the police...we have to take him to the police station before he regains consiousness."

I take my phone out to call the police when I see there's already a police car coming towards us. Flix comes out of the car jumping.

"Mr Fahad! Miss Rahman! Are you guys okay? Oh my God! Mr Gateson?
But in this dress!" Flix's face turns blue seeing Mr Gateson laying on floor like a dead.

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