7: The blades

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"This way. Not much further to the inner ring. Let's go!" Minho says.

"Okay." I pant as we keep running.

"C'mon! This way." He says and we enter a section with door like metal openings.

"The hell?" I mutter, looking around.

"That's strange." Minho comments.

"What?" I ask him.

"Seven is not supposed to be open for another week." He says and I look around once more.

"What the hell is this place?" I ask.

"We call them blades." He tells me.

I then notice something bloody on the ground so I tap Minho's shoulder. He follows my gaze and we walk over to the weird item on the ground.

"It's Ben's, isn't it?" I ask as he crouches down and holds up a piece of ripped up clothing.

"Yeah. A Griever must have pulled him down here." Minho says as we stand back up.

I then hear a rattling noise. I furrow my eyebrows together as I listen to the sound more closely. I then look at Minho's backpack and my eyes widen. I turn him around and take the gadget we had found and I look down at it.

"What?" Minho says.

"I think it's showing us the way." I say and I start walking with him behind me.

I then stop in my tracks as it points in a different direction.

"Wait, wait, wait." I say.

"What, what?" Minho say.

"This way. C'mon." I say and we turn around.


"Minho, you ever see this place before?" I ask as we stop in front of a wall.

"No. It's just another dead end." He says and I look down to see the number seven on the gadget turn green.

I then hear the walls crack behind me and I turn around. Other walls start going up, revealing a deeper opening with a red light scanning me. I flinch and Minho pulls me back.

"Are you sure about this?" Minho asks as I see some sort of device showing.

"Nope." He tells me and I walk a little closer to it.

I then hear the familiar faint scream and I jump, getting startled.

"Grievers." Minho says and I nod.

I then hear another metal like noise and I snap my head up.

"What the hell was that?" I ask.

"We gotta get out of here. Give me the key, give me the key!" Minho says and I toss the gadget to him.

"What the hell?" I say.

"Move, move! We gotta go! Run, Alana! We're gonna get trapped! Go! Go! Go, go, go! Move!" Minho yells as we run through the blades before they can close on us.

"Minho!" I yell as we're now separated.

I then slip thought a blade, leaning onto Minho and he grabs my shoulders.

"You really are crazy." He says. "C'mon! Let's go, let's go! C'mon, move! Keep going! Keep going! Let's go!
Whoa!" Minho yells and we keep running.

We finally get out of blades, but a lever almost falls on us but Minho and I quickly move. We then start running straight down with a wall storm rumbling behind us.

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