29: Yeah, we're all bloody inspired

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We're now walking through a hallway filled with doctors and nurses. I share a look with Newt and Thomas as we keep going, ignoring all of their stares.

"Where do we go?" Thomas whispers.

"Just follow my lead." I say and I sprint as I walk past one more doctor. 

The boys follow behind me and we stay up against the wall. I peek my head through the glass to see more guards running down the hallway.

"Janson thinks we're stupid." I mutter, still making sure the coast is clear.

I then turn my head right see Newt's chest softly heaving up and down while his face is as white as a ghost. I send Thomas a nervous look and he sends me a comforting one.


We finally get to moving a little bit quicker, but I stop in my tracks as I spot Ava Paige. I take out my gun and point it are her fearful face.

"Alana!" I hear Newt and Thomas yell and they grab me, bringing me against the wall with them as gunshots go off.

"Guys!" I yell as I we all duck and Newt grabs my hand, trying to lead us further away from the harsh bullets.

"Keep moving!" Thomas yells, but I stop in my tracks, holding up my gun and everyone else yells.

"Minho? Minho!" I yell as Newt and Thomas now join me by putting their guns up.

"Oh, shit!" Thomas says as the guard stands in front of us.

"Freeze!" He exclaims, but I shoot him with my taser wire anyway, making him fall to the ground.

"Minho!" I yell as Newt shoots at a few more guards and we then turn on a corner.


"Shit!" I yell as the boys and I keep shooting and dodging their bullets at the same time.

I then take out my handgun and I stand back next to Newt and Thomas on the other side of me. We all start shooting guards at every angle.

"Newt, Thomas, get down!" I yell as we all slide up against a wall.

"Shit! I'm almost out." I say, quickly checking my hand gun.

I then get on my knees and start shooting at the guards once again.

"Get back." Newt says and Thomas and I turn our heads to see him throw something.

He pulls Thomas and I back at it explodes, making the guards fall to the floor.

"Nice." I say, quickly kissing his cheek and he grins at me.

"Alright. Let's go!" Newt yells and we nod as we stand back up and start running again.

"You two, freeze! Get down on the ground." The guard says and the boys and I stop in our tracks once again. "Now! I said get your-"

The guard is cut off as I see Minho roughly push him against the wall, then throwing him through the window, making glass shatter. He yells once again before looking at us and my eyes start watering as I look into his dark eyes.

"Minho." I croak out, my lips trembling.

The boys and I run toward him, forming a big group hug and I bury my head in his neck.

"Is this real?" Minho asks and I look up at him as the boys pull away.

"Yeah, it is. I'm sorry." I cry out, and all he does is hug me again.

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