27: You made your choice

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"No. There's gotta be another way." I say, running my fingers through my hair.

"Like what? You've seen the building. She is our only way in." Gally says, referring to Teresa.

"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas and I say to him.

"I don't plan on asking for her permission." Gally tells us.

"Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?" Brenda says. 

"I like her." Gally comments, pointing his thumb at Brenda.

"Same cunt." I nod, leaning my arms against the table and Gally grins at me.

"What's going on?" Brenda says to Thomas and I.

"What, are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt? Hmm?" Newt says to Thomas and I look at him in shock. "Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?" Newt says.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Thomas says to him.

"Teresa. She's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place." Newt starts as he comes closer to Thomas. "Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back. And what? You don't want to because of her?" Newt questions, making Thomas's back hit the wall.

"Newt." I say as Brenda pulls me beside her.

"Because deep down inside you still care about her, don't you? Just admit it." Newt says to him. "Admit it!" Newt yells as he grabs Thomas's shirt.

"Newt!" I yell.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Thomas exclaims to me and my breath hitches.

"Don't lie to me!" Newt yells as he pushes Thomas against the wall by fisting his shirt. "Don't lie to me!" Newt says.

"Stop!" I yell as I run to Newt and push him off of Thomas. "What the hell is going on with you?" I ask him.

He looks at me and then back at Thomas, his face instantly softening.

"Sorry." Newt whispers to Thomas. "I'm sorry." He then says, turning to everyone, then walks off while holding his arm once again.

"Why?" I mutter. "Why?!" I yell, tossing my blade at the wall, making it stick.

"Alana, it's alright. I know he didn't mean it." Thomas says, coming closer to me.

"Yeah, everything's an accident, Tommy. I know!" I shout. "Teresa isn't the reason Minho got taken away. I am! I'm supposed to protect you! All of you! I was supposed to protect him!" I yell as tears filled my eyes. "But I didn't. I failed him. I failed Alby, I failed Chuck and I failed Winston. How do you guys still stand here and listen to me?" I say through gritted teeth.


"No! And you know what the funny thing is? It was supposed to me. I'm supposed to be the one who died." I say, pointing a finger at my chest.

"Alana, what are you taking about?" Frypan asks me in a shaky voice.

"My tag, on the back of my neck. I was supposed to be killed by group B and Thomas is the real leader. But for whatever reason, I'm still alive. But guess who isn't? The people who I let die. And that's on me. No one else. Not WICKED, not Teresa, me. All fucking me." I say, looking at everyone.

"Alana, you need to stop blaming yourself and take a look around you." Thomas says in a raspy voice and I look at him. "Most of us have made it this far because of you. You can't blame yourself for the things that they have done." He tells me and I swallow thickly.

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