8: Need to remember

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"Alana, what the hell do we do?" Jeff asks as I see a fire blazing out.

"Chuck, go to the Council Hall and start barricading
the doors." I mutter to Chuck.

"Mmm-hmm." Chuck nods.

"Winston, you go with him." I say.

"Got it." He nods and they run off together.

"Get the others. Tell them to go to the forest. Go hide, now!" Gally orders and the other boys run off, nodding.

"Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you can find. I'll meet you at Council Hall. Let's go!" I say and he nods, then running.

I then think for another second as I see the the field getting worse.

"Thomas, you and I are gonna go get Alby, alright?" I say and he nods as he runs.

But I freeze up as I see a Griever coming closer to us due to the wall being opened.

"Alana, c'mon!" Thomas echoes and pulls my hands.

We start running to the hut, but we're stopped by a Griever. We then run back out to hear more faint screams of a huge Griever.

"Alright, everybody hide! Thomas! C'mon! Run! Run!" I order as we all start running through a field off tall weeds.

I then hear the faint scream again and I tumble, getting down.

"Stay down!" I say and everyone does as we try and steady our breaths.

All of the sudden, a Griever's claw goes down and snatches Tim.

"No!" I exclaim, trying to grab him, but it's too late.

I then look back to hear the Griever getting closer and my eyes widen.

"Run!" I yell and we all stand up, then starting to run out of the tall field.

"Ahh!" A boy yells and I turn around.

"Zart!" We all exclaim as I realize he's long gone.

"Go! Get to the village! Go, go, go!" I hear Jeff say to Thomas and I.

Thomas and I then run as fast as we can to the village. We then spot Alby sitting on the bed.

"Alby! Are you okay?" I ask as Thomas and I put his arms over our shoulders.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"They're here." I say.

"Grievers?" Alby says and I nod.

"Alana, what do we do?" Jeff says and I pant as I look around, trying to think.

"It got me!" I hear a boy shout as the Grieve drags him away.

I then grab a torch off the tree and I look around once again.

"Everybody, run, run, run!" I exclaim. "Jeff, c'mon, go, go, go! Everyone! Keep moving!" I yell as we keep running.

"Oh, shit!" I hear Thomas say as him and Alby fall to the ground.

"Ahh!" They yell.

"Alby! Get behind me!" I say as Thomas helps me push Alby behind me.

I then take out my blade and twirl it at the Griever coming closer to us.

"C'mon!" I yell at it as it comes closer and my grip on it only gets tighter.

All of the sudden, a pole is thrown into its eye, making it slow down and my face drops in relief as I see Newt running toward us.

"Over here, let's go! Over here! Let's go! C'mon! Over here, c'mon!" I hear Chuck yell while holding a lantern and I turn my head.

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