14: We never escaped

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"C'mon. Keep moving!" I yell as we keep running.

"C'mon. C'mon! C'mon, c'mon!" Minho yells and I pick up my pace.

We then make it to the door and it thankfully opens.

"Alright, c'mon." I yell and we start running again.

It looks like a sand storm has hit while we climb up a big hill as fast as we can.

"Keep going!" I exclaim over the harsh winds and helicopter noises.

I then look back to hear the guard yelling while shining their flashlights.

"Shit. C'mon, go! Go! We'll lose them in the storm!" I exclaim as I push Minho and Frypan up the hill and I follow after them.

"Notify on visual. Copy that. Standby, Two. Be on my six." I hear a man say over the noises of loud engines.

We then stop by an edge and I motion my hand out to everyone. We all crouch down, the sounds of engines still close by.

"Alana." Teresa says, her lips trembling.

"I know." I whisper as I still check to make sure the coast is clear. "Everybody, go, go, go. Stay low. Stay low!" I say and Teresa and the boys nod, slowly following me.

"Teresa, hang on. Stay together!" Thomas says as we start running down a hill.

"I think we lost them!" Winston says as we keep running.

"Keep going, guys. Let's go." I say as Teresa keeps running.

"Watch out!" Winston says to Frypan as he almost trips.

"Where are we even going?" Minho says as Teresa looks around the little den.

"C'mon, Aris. Let's go. C'mon! Over here! C'mon!"' I say as we finally catch up with Teresa.

We stop by another opening, jagged glass surrounding the edges.

"C'mon!" Teresa says.

"Teresa, wait!" Thomas says, but I follow her.

"No, don't go in there!" Newt yells.

"Get down here!" Teresa and I yell as we are now standing in darkness.

"Okay, c'mon! Get inside!" I hear Thomas say and I sense Minho hopping in.

"C'mon, we should go. Aris, get in! Let's go, Fry." I hear Thomas say as Frypan and Aris slide down the little hill.

They quickly get back on their feet and stand next to us.

Minho then takes off his backpack and tosses me a flashlight. I put it on and I shine it, so does Minho. We shine it on different spots to try and figure out where we are.

"Where the hell are we?" Minho pants as I give the flashlight to Frypan.

"We gotta go." I say, motioning my hand at everyone.

"No." I hear Teresa say.

"We gotta keep moving." I pant, turning away.

"Alana, stop!" She exclaims and I turn to her. "Tell me what's going on." Teresa pants, looking at Thomas and I sigh.

"It's WICKED." I say.

"What?" She blankly says.

"It's WICKED. They lied to us. We never escaped. Me and Aris, we found bodies. Too many to count." I breathe.

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho asks me.

"No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, dead bodies." I state. "But they weren't alive, either. They had them strung up. With tubes coming out of them. They were being drained. There's something inside of us that WICKED wants. Something in our blood. So we have to get as far away from them as possible." I say, rolling up my sleeve, looking down at the bandaid the doctor had put on after taking my blood.

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