Chapter Twenty

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Lara went to bed that night feeling elated, something she hadn't felt in a little while considering all the happenings going on. But getting back with her best friend and her crush noticing her absence really put her in great spirits. She had decided against leaving a message on Ronnie's CC, promising herself she'd do that the next day.

After dinner the next day, Rayray announced to her that she could now move to her own personal room.

"Is your mum okay with that? She kind of seemed intent on us sharing a room."

"Yes, she is. Guess she had a change of mind."

"Oh alright." She reluctantly crawled out of the bed she shared with Rayray.

"You don't sound so excited to finally have your own room." Rayray commented.

"I am, you must be dying for me to finally get out of your personal space."

"At all, I honestly don't mind. And being the only girl with two brothers, I always wished for a sister or someone to share stuff with yunno. But you're always so closed up, I figured you might have been feeling uncomfortable so I convinced my mum to let you stay alone."

"I wasn't feeling uncomfortable, I was just closed up cause I've been feeling pretty out of it, so much to deal with. I'm going to miss this room and Billie Eilish watching me sleep every night. I'm sorry I wasn't a better roommate." She apologized jokingly. Lara didn't realize how much she'd come to be comfortable in Rayray's room.

"It's fine, I totally understand. You needed time for yourself. Let me show you to your new room." She did a little courtesy earning a grin from Lara.

Lara quickly packed up her little belongings into her bag and followed her down the hall. Her new room was one of the numerous guestrooms, situated at the far end of the corridor, exactly two rooms away from Rayray's.


Rayray ushered her in. The room was the same size as Rayray's but it was bare making it look more spacious. The bed had already been made and as she inspected, she found out that essentials and toiletries were already stocked.

"Ahh", Rayray sighed as she dropped onto the bed. "I'd be back to sleeping alone now. Tragic."

"You can spend the night here. If you want." Lara quickly added.

"Really? I'd love to." She beamed.

"It's settled then, you're sleeping here tonight." Lara concluded, wondering why it had taken her this long to talk to her roommate. She was so nice and easy to please.

"So is this like a girls' night or..." She looked so hopeful, her huge eyes silently begging Lara to agree.

"You bet."

"Yes! Let me go get my things. I'd be right back." She scampered out of the room.

Lara fell into the bed smiling like an idiot, she just made a friend. And not just any friend, but her favorite tweep.

She whipped out her phone and logged in to her Twitter. She immediately went to Ronnie's page to drop a message on her CC.

"Good to know I was missed."

The reply was almost instantaneous, making Lara's smile even wider.

"New account, who this?"

"I'm hurt, to think I thought you'd be excited to hear from me. I understand, I'd take my leave now😔"

"You're so dramatic 😂. Now anon, where have you been all these while? I don't like to be kept waiting."

"I've been having a rough time, so much on my plate, but I'm here now so you don't have to wait anymore."

"I'm sorry about that, hope you are okay now."

"Yeah yeah, I think I'm alright now. How have you been? What did I miss? Are your DMs still open?💀"

"Been okay, just here and there. Asides my amazing self, nothing much really. Yesss, are you planning on entering🥺?"

"You have that smile on your face rn." Rayray was back, already changed into her nighties.

"What smile?" Lara looked up from her phone, trying and failing to keep the smile off her face.

"You know, the one you get when you're talking to 'that person'." She quoted with her fingers.

Lara shrugged, setting her phone down.

"You don't have to talk about it. You seem happy, I've not seen you like that before. This person must be really special." Rayray said, settling herself into bed.

"I follow you on Twitter, Rayray." Lara blurted out.

Rayray looked like she had just been slapped and her eyes were even huger.

"Oh my God.." she whispered. "So you know I'm..."

"Yes, I know you're gay and that you have a girlfriend."

"Wow, uhmmm."

"You don't have to feel weird about it, I honestly don't mind. I totally adored you before I met you."

"Oh, I remember now, that was why you said you knew me at first."

"Yes, I immediately recognized you. Imagine my shock and excitement when I found out Nima is in fact Rayray."

"You lied to me." Rayray pouted, pointing an accusing finger at Lara.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just didn't if you'd be cool with me saying that or something."

"So what made you say it now?" She crossed her hands against her chest.

"Well you seem pretty nice and I felt like, if we're at least going to be friends, I should be honest with you. Shouldn't I have?"

Rayray was quiet for a moment making Lara wish she hadn't said anything.

"No, it's fine. Cool actually, I won't have to pretend or anything." She laughed lightly.

Lara heaved a sigh of relief, "I'm glad. And I meant it when I said I really don't mind you being gay so you can be like totally free about that."

"Wow, if only all my friends could have been like you." She slightly bumped shoulders with Lara.

"At least you have Ronnie."

"You know Ronnie?"

"Yes, I follow you on Twitter remember? You guys seem pretty close."

"Yeah, we are. She stays in this estate also. You'd probably get to meet her soon."

Lara's head spun at that piece of information. Ronnie stayed in the same estate as Rayray??! Meaning, there was a chance of them meeting.
'Oh my God!!!!' She silently jubilated in her head.

*                    *                    *                    *
Omg omg omg, I'm excited in advance. 🤭
This chapter is dedicated to theazeezat you rock! ❤️

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