Chapter Twenty Six

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The next two weeks were absolute bliss for Lara and Mayowa. They had exchanged three more visits after the sleepover and to Rayray's delight, the two girls had gotten significantly closer. Though they may not acknowledge it for totally different reasons, the chemistry between them was palpable.

Mayowa knew she definitely liked Lara and wanted to be more than just friends but she didn't want to get her heart broken again by someone who was 'experimenting'. Despite Rayray's arguments and Lara's obvious green lights, she was scared to take that leap.

Lara, on the other hand, was plain scared of rejection. What started out as a harmless Twitter crush had progressed into something even greater and better. She still hadn't gotten around to admitting that she was 'the anon'. Funny enough, she was still vibing with Ronnie in the dms. It was like she was two different people talking to two different people.

In the Twitter dms, she was the playful, carefree Iris who has confessed her feelings to Ronnie. Ronnie as well, was freer and talked more in the dms. Meanwhile whenever they met, Lara was more subdued and shy while Mayowa was sweet as hell and more gentlewomanly.

Though she knew she should probably tell Mayowa, she didn't want to, against all Rayray's advice. She was enjoying the easy rapport and flow in the dms and was scared of losing that.

"Why aren't you up yet? You're always shaking me awake by now." Lara took off the blanket with which Rayray covered herself.

"Hey, are you crying? What's wrong?" Lara asked Rayray, who buried her face deeper into the bed.

"It's nothing", she replied, her voice muffled.

"You're definitely crying. Talk to me." Lara pleaded, trying to lift her face but to no avail.

"I don't want to talk right now Lara."

Lara's heart broke, she had never seen Rayray like that. Rayray was the happy go lucky one and she didn't know how to console her.

"Would you rather talk to Mayowa? I can just call her over." She prodded a bit further.

"She's on her way already, she'd be here anytime."

"Alright, can I at least stay with you till she's here?" Lara asked, not wanting to leave her to herself. Rayray just shrugged in response.

A little later, Mayowa arrived, looking a bit strained.
"Hey", she said, announcing her arrival to the sobbing Rayray. Much to Lara's relief and tad jealousy, Rayray rose her head. Briefly nodding her greeting to Lara, Mayowa joined them on the bed immediately wrapping her best friend in a hug. Rayray's sobs increased as Mayowa comforted her.

"Rereoluwa, I'm so sorry. It's not your fault." Mayowa consoled her best friend. Lara's heart constricted and as she watched them, she felt like she was intruding. She decided to give them privacy to talk and stood up to leave.

"Stay." Rayray spoke up, sniffling. Lara sat back down, her heart doing a happy dance at being included.

"We broke up." She announced, bursting into another round of tears.

"You what?" Lara's eyes went wide, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Rayray and her girlfriend were the perfect couple and Lara always admired what they had. What could have gone wrong?

"We broke up. We've been arguing a lot lately over the stupidest things. We'd make up immediately after but it was getting too frequent. Yesterday, she said some really hurtful stuff to me and I called it off in annoyance. And she agreed." Mayowa held her as she narrated what happened.

Lara opened her mouth to ask a question but was silenced by Mayowa who placed a finger on her lips. "Not now", she mouthed.
Lara nodded in understanding and joined in the hug. They remained like that for a while, the melancholic silence occasionally punctuated by Rayray's hiccups.

"Thanks guys." Rayray finally spoke up, hugging her girls closer.

"It's nothing. Are you feeling better now?" Lara asked.

"I think I've ran out of tears." She giggled in response.

"I was so caught up in my shit, I didn't bother asking how things were with you. I'm sorry."

"I told you earlier Mayowa, you're not a shitty friend. Stop apologizing." She scolded in return.

"But Rayray, weren't you a bit too rash calling things off? Do you really want that?" Lara asked tentatively.

"Her words hit home and I just got so mad but she didn't even argue or try to apologize or call me back, she just agreed."

"Maybe you should give her some time, she was probably just angry." Mayowa suggested.

"I don't know. We've been having stupid little fights, maybe this is it."

"You really really don't want her anymore?"

"I do", she mumbled.

"Then be patient, she'd come around. And if she doesn't, then fuck her. No offense." Mayowa muttered the last part in anger.

"None taken." Rayray giggled again. "All that tears, I'm hungry." She said, earning eye rolls from Lara and Mayowa.

"You want me to get you something?" Lara asked.

"No, I'd go get it. Mum would probably be wondering why I haven't come down yet. I'd be right back." With that, she left.

"You look dashing." Lara teased Mayowa once they were alone. She, in actual fact, looked like she was dragged out of bed.

"I know I look like shit. She just called me, crying that she just ended her relationship and I rushed over." Mayowa explained.

"Such pure love," Lara sigh dramatically. "You still manage to look cute though."

"Yeah well, it's me. I can pull any look effortlessly."

"Cocky much?" Lara tutted.

"Me? Never. You guys were supposed to come over tomorrow but look, I'm here again."

"Oh about that, there's been a change of plans. I'm going over to spend the week at my mum's tomorrow."

"For real? She's all settled?" Mayowa didn't know much about Lara's situation other than the fact that she had to stay with Rayray and her mum was moving to a new house for some reason. She seemed to notice the matter was touchy and she never probed.

"Yeah, finally. So I'm going tomorrow."

"Okay, guess I won't be seeing you for one week, that is. I'm going to miss you."

"Me too." Rayray said, holding a plate as she walked in. "I'd be so lonely."

"I'm hurt, am I that useless?" Mayowa asked in mock offense.

"No, you're perfect and I'm grateful to have you. Both of you."

"Stay away from me with all that sappiness." Mayowa jokingly shoved her best friend.

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My darling Rayray 🥺🥺

Shouts out to Za_Mami you're amazing.✨

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