Chapter Fifteen

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"I don't understand, are you saying you're a lesbian?"

"I don't know if that's the right term but I guess."

"How is that possible? You just dated Kayode"

"I know too, trust me, I was just as confused. But I think I'm bisexual."

"Does that mean you're attracted to both men and women alike?"

"Yes, precisely."


"Okay? You don't have anything to say?"

"I do, a lot of things. I'm just trying to wrap my head around all these."

"So, I'm listening. Hit me."

"Lara, I don't mean to sound like a pastor but you do know that homosexualism is a sin right?"

"And a whole lot of other things."

"So why are you doing it?"

"It's not like I have any control over it. You think I didn't try to kill the feelings?"

"Then you just have to try harder, you know this is just not right. What would your mum say?"

"This is not about my mum, it's about me. I like a girl and I don't have control over it."

"Who is this girl, is it someone we know?"

"No, I met her here on Twitter."

"I see..."

"What do you see?"

"When you asked me what I thought about homosexuals, this was why right? You're been influenced by Twitter, this is not you!"

"What are you saying? How is this even related? I'm coming out to you because you're my best friend and you're telling me I'm being influenced?? What am I, a kid? I don't know what I expected from you but it's definitely not this. I expected you to at least try and be understanding. You would if you're truly my friend!"

She couldn't believe her friend, telling her she was influenced. Doesn't even make any sense.

"I don't know if I can ever be a friend then." 

If Lara was heartbroken before, she was
shattered now. She threw her phone away and curled into a ball on her bed and cried. She couldn't believe she was going to lose her friend over this.

She needed someone to talk to and she didn't exactly have anyone to meet. Her family members were out of the question and her best friend was being a blockhead.

She picked her phone up again and sent an anonymous question to Ronnie.

"Are you out to your friends and family?"

"Friends, yes some of them. The ones that matter anyways. And family, love, this is Nigeria, not happening."

"How did you come out to your friends? Did they all take it well?"

"I must admit, I was pretty scared to tell my friends about my sexuality but I summoned courage and I did. Granted not all of them took it well, lost a lot of friends for that. But the ones I have now are pretty much all I need."

"That must be nice I guess."

"It is. Are you thinking of coming out to your family? I'd advise you not to, for your sanity and theirs."

"No, not my family. I came out to my friend and well... It didn't go well."

"I'm sorry about that. Maybe you should give her some time and if she doesn't come around, then you know you tried. No matter what anyone tells you, none of this is your fault."

"Thank you sm, I really needed to hear that."

"It's nothing. Remember, I'm always here for you. And if you want to talk about more personal issues, my dm is still open love."

"Lol, thanks. I'd take that into consideration."

*                    *                    *                    *
Writing this chapter broke my heart 😔💔

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