Chapter Twenty Two

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Lara woke up feeling energized. She was excited in advance and had planned out her day and thought nothing could go wrong with it.

She thought wrong.

Though she wouldn't admit to Rayray, she was secretly waiting to hear the main doorbell ring and to finally set her eyes on Ronnie.

The doorbell did ring, earlier than she expected but it rang. She didn't think that wrong.

What she thought wrong was expecting to see Ronnie come in. Imagine her surprise when she saw her mum standing in front of the door with a weak smile.

"Mum!" She exclaimed in shock. She quickly enveloped her mother in a bone crushing hug. They had spoken the day before and her mum had made no mention of showing up.

"Omolara", her voice sounded muffled as she patted her daughter on the back. Lara realized she was hugging a little too tight and she released her.

"I've missed you mummy."

"Oh, you're around already. Come in, come in." Rayray's mum, Nike said as she casually strolled into the living room readjusting her scarf.

"You knew she was coming and you didn't tell me?" Lara looked a little betrayed as she stared at the two women exchange warm hugs and pleasantries.

"Your mother asked me not to tell, you know I'd have told you. Temi ọrẹ, how have you been?"

Lara knew the two women were going to need time to catch up so she excused herself.

"Mummy, I'm going to be in my room. Call me when you're done."

She went back to her room, feeling a little bit deflated that it wasn't Ronnie that showed up and excited at the same time that her mum came around. She had really missed her. Though she wished she came along with her siblings, she missed them a whole lot.

Lara layed back on her bed and wondered why her mum showed up.

'What's happening at home? Has daddy finally had a change of heart?'
She shook her head, dismissing the thought. She knew her dad, that man had a heart of stone. He wouldn't call her back, at least not so soon.

'What then could be going on? Or is Tito sick again?'
Tito used to have bouts of fever when she was younger, leaving everybody worried. Lara wondered if they were back again.

She groaned as she threw her hand over her face. She couldn't wait for her mum to call for her and tell her the reason of her visit.

'Maybe she just missed me.' She thought, smiling to herself.
She took out her phone and started reading a novel to pass time. She was halfway gone when she finally heard a knock on her door.

"Your room is big o." Her mum said as she entered, not waiting to be invited in.

"Why please, do come in mum." Lara jokingly rolled her eyes, taking great care to do that as discreetly as possible.

"How are you doing?" Her mum asked, placing a hand on her daughter's lap and she joined her on the bed.

"I'm doing really good mummy. How are you? You look stressed." Lara noticed the eye bags beneath her mother's eyes and the new stress lines on her face.

"I'm fine, my dear." Her mum sighed a little. It was obvious she had something to say.

"Did something happen? What did daddy do this time around? Or is it Tito?" Concern was etched deeply on her face.

"Nothing happened and your daddy didn't do anything. Tito is fine too." She said smiling slightly.

"Okay, thank God. I was already scared. So has daddy said anything?" She asked, her voice dropping slightly.

Her mum was apologetic when she replied, "He hasn't. In fact, he has banned me from mentioning your name to him."

Lara nodded slightly. She had expected it but it didn't hurt any less.

"That's why I've decided to leave him."

Lara whipped her head up immediately. She couldn't have heard right.
"Leave him?"

"Yes. I know you've been telling me to do this for a long while now and I'm sorry it took him disowning you to get me to do it." Her voice trembled slightly.

"No no mummy, you don't have to apologize to me", she moved in closer to hug her mum. "I understood your reasons perfectly fine. But mummy, how are you going to do it, with the twins and all? Would he even allow you?"

"I don't even care what he'd say or do anymore. I can't keep subjecting my children to that kind of father. Enough is enough."

Lara felt tears well up in her eyes but she didn't try to hold them back. She let them fall freely. She had been waiting for this moment for a very long time and was so glad it was finally happening.

"I've been talking to Nike, she's going to help me with this. That's why I came to see her."

Lara felt overwhelmed with gratitude. These people have not only showed her love, they're also willing to help liberate her whole family.

"But we can't just put all our responsibilities on them mummy."

"I know that, what do you take me for? She's only helping me secure a better paying job and the rent of the new place we'd be staying. I can't work yet cause of the lockdown but when this is all over, I promised to repay her back for that."

"So you mean I'm going to leave here soon?"

"No, you're not Lara. You're going to remain here. They've offered to see you through university. Your siblings, I can cater for with this new job but you... They insisted that you stay. You don't like living here?"

Lara didn't know if she should feel sad or elated. She really loved where she was but she felt like she was being separated from her family.

"I really like it a lot. They're so nice to me, it's perfect." She grinned, maybe a little too wide. But she didn't want to bother her mum, she already had enough on her plate.

"That's a relief. But just know, if you're feeling uncomfortable or anything is wrong, just let me know. I'd arrange for you to come with us."

"No mummy, don't worry. It's fine, I love this place. What of Tito and Loba? Why didn't you come with them? I miss them."
She quickly changed the topic, not wanting her mum to probe her further. Her mum sent her a small smile of gratitude and launched into details of how their home had been since she left.

They ended up talking for over two hours. Lara didn't want to see her mum go but she put on her big girl's trousers and she saw her off to the nearest bus stop.

When she got back, she went in search of Rayray's mum to talk and express her gratitude but she didn't find her. The house was too big, she was probably hiding away in one of the numerous rooms. She later gave up her search and went straight to Rayray's room.

"Rayray, my mum just left. Did Ronnie decide not to-" Her words were cut short as the girl sitting on the bed with her back to the door turned around.

Sitting on Rayray's bed, in all her glory, was Mayowa.

*                    *                    *                    *
*insert evil laughter😂😈. So another update as a peace offering for the late update.

Am I amazing or what?

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Have a stress free week lovelies.

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