Chapter Twenty One

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Lara was hyperventilating.

It had been a week since Lara moved to her own room but the girls had grown really closer in the span of that week. Every night, they took turns hosting a girls' night in either of their rooms.

It was during the most recent one that Rayray had informed her that Ronnie was coming around the next day.

Though it had been the object of discussion at times, Lara hadn't gotten around to admitting that she was Ronnie's anonymous messager.

She also hadn't gotten around to coming out to Rayray. All Rayray's attempt at getting details about her love life were brushed away by Lara, using the 'I just had a bad breakup recently' card to divert any form of scrutiny.

Rayray on the other hand, didn't hold back once Lara explained that she followed her on Twitter and didn't mind her sexuality. She told Lara of how she met her current girlfriend via Twitter a few months before the Corona virus hit and how much she really wanted to see her again but couldn't because they were in two different planets entirely.

She, just like Lara, couldn't wait for the virus to let up so she could return back to her university in Canada.

She only came home cause her parents didn't want her to remain overseas alone during the pandemic and had insisted that she returned. Her best friend was close by anyways and that was a major consolation for her.

Now, Lara was about to meet her crush face to face and she didn't know how to act.
Before she went to bed that night, she quickly opened her Twitter app and sent a message to Ronnie's CC.

"Now is probably the right time for me to dm you lmao."

"Hey to you too. So what's stopping you sweetheart? Make me a happy woman."

Everything inside her told her not to DM Ronnie but she didn't have anything to lose. Her account was pretty much vague and still quite anonymous. So she kept her fingers crossed hoping her decision wouldn't backfire on her, and she sent a direct message to Ronnie.

"I hope you're a happy woman now Mayowa."


"You can call me Iris🤗."
Debola had given her the name Iris when they first became friends and it only felt right to use it now seeing as she couldn't mention her real name.

"Don't play with me. I've had two different people come to me as anon. Are you also a fake😪?"

"Well, this definitely wasn't the welcome I was expecting. Shoulda just remained on CC 😔. Nice to know people have tried to impersonate me lmao."

"Omg! It's really you 🥺."

"None other sweetheart. Nice to finally meet you."

"Iris huh? Why you kept me waiting for so long? And your account is just as anonymous. I don't even know what you look like."

"I'm in your dms and you know my name. I like to think of that as progress. Some of us can't be as openly gay as you are."

"Fair enough. I'd take what I can get for now. I'd just have to exercise a little bit more patience."

"You sound so sure I'd divulge my identity to you. You don't even know if this conversation will die tonight."

"You would, sooner or later. I just have that effect on people."

"You might need to tone down your cockiness a little bit 😂."

"Get used to it boo. Do I get to ask questions about you now?"

"Sure, you can."

They talked well into the night before they exchanged goodnights. Lara still couldn't believe she dm'ed her crush and that the conversation had flown pretty well.

Excited and a bit anxious to meet her 'beloved', she found it hard to sleep that night, creating different scenarios in her head on how their meeting was going to be.

'Tomorrow, we'd see.' She told herself and forced herself to sleep.

*                    *                    *                    *
Hey guys! I know I know, I'm sorry 🙇🏽‍♀️. Been really busy this week and I was having a helluva writer's block.

And I know this chapter is not all that but please please, vote and comment.

I love you guys for being so understanding and patient with me. ❤️❤️❤️

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