Chapter Thirty

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If six months ago, Lara was told that she'd be where she currently was, she'd have laughed in the person's face. Here she was, back in school with her best friend and in a beautiful relationship with her girlfriend. 

Debola finally met the almighty Mayowa when schools reopened. Lara was also excited that her best friend was in a relationship too. They constantly teased each other about it.

Her mum had finally began work and her siblings resumed school. The week days and weekend arrangement still held but they went over to their father's place less and less frequently. It was only a matter of time before it ended completely seeing as her dad couldn't care less about the twins whenever they were around.

Though Rayray wasn't physically present with them, they made time to talk to each other via FaceTime. She was fully over her ex now and was planning on staying single for the main time. "Just learning to love herself" in her own words. Debola had featured in their numerous FaceTime countless of times and Lara was glad that she got on well with Rayray. Well, everybody gets on well with Rayray, she's amazing like that.

"So I'd see you tomorrow right?" Mayowa was sprawled on her bed, cuddling her pillow as she spoke to Lara.

"No, you won't. I'm not done with my exams yet and I have to study."

"Why? That's the same thing you said last week," she whined. "You can always study with me at my place."

"We both know that's a lie. I can't study with you around, you distract me," she said, laughing at the prospect of studying with her girlfriend.

"I promise to be on my best behavior for real," Mayowa pleaded. Lara wanted nothing more than to cave in but she knew better. She had to be with her mates so they'd study together.

"Just one more weekend and I'm done. I'd be home for holidays. Besides, don't you have to prepare for exams?"

"I sadly do. And I won't be around when you're back on holiday. At most we'd get one week together before you go back and I'd be stuck at home doing nothing." She complained.

It was true. Lara's school being a private one was weeks ahead of Mayowa's government owned school. Lara would be preparing to go back to school when Mayowa would just be coming home for her holidays.

"We'd work our way around it, don't worry. And besides, lectures won't resume fully so I can always come and see you for a few days." Lara placated.

"This sucks. But we don't have a choice, I guess," she sighed once again. "That reminds me, my parents said they wanted to talk to me when I get home tomorrow. Sounded pretty serious, I'm scared."

"Shit! They can't possibly know about us right?" Lara was aghast, she couldn't bear the thought of Rayray's mum finding out about them.

"No, I don't think that's it. It sounded different, I don't know. It's just stressing me out."

"Thank God." she let out a breath of relief she didn't realize she was holding. "Don't think too much of it. It's probably nothing too serious."

"I guess I'd just have to be patient and find out tomorrow then."

"You really don't have a choice. I have to go now, Debola is tired of waiting for me." She air kissed the said Debola who was currently giving her the stank eyes.

"Alright, say hi to her for me."

"Will do. I love you," Lara said softly, earning a gag and an eyeroll from her best friend.

"I love you too," Mayowa replied and ended the call. She wiped a hand across her face and did the exact opposite of what Lara told her to do, coming up with ridiculous scenarios that could warrant a meeting with her parents. She fell asleep with different questions running through her mind.

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