you gave me the world that i wanted

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The night felt cold, the crowd was noisy and bustling as lights flashed from the stage, speakers boomed in the distance as he approached the crowd that gathered at the parking lot outside of a mall, excited and lively, anticipating the start of a new year.

Tanjirou adjusted his scarf, burying his nose in the familiar scent of detergent, his parents are probably tucking their younger siblings to bed now. His hands wrapped tightly around Nezuko's, he snuck a glance at his sister, who wore a soft smile as they waited to meet up with their other friends. His fingers tugged at his cream-colored coat, which rubbed against his long-sleeved, checkered shirt underneath his coat. Nezuko wore a pair of ear warmers, the color matching with her ribbon that kept her hair in place, two strands of hair hang freely at the side of her face while the rest was tied into a ponytail. She wore a turtleneck with a jacket that protected her from the cold of the night, the jacket looked big on her, giving off a cozy and huggable aura to her, a long skirt and black socks covered her legs as she grinds her boot at the ground beneath her.

"Nezuko-chan!!!!" A loud call startled the girl, a blond boy waves enthusiastically at her while charging at the siblings, ready to capture Nezuko in a hug. "Zenitsu!" Tanjirou smiled at him as he greeted, one arm in front of Nezuko protectively. "Zenitsu, good evening," Nezuko said sweetly as Tanjirou held back his friend who was squirming in his arms. "Waaah!!! You're so cute!!! Cute as usual!!! Even cuter!!!!" Zenitsu exclaimed loudly, taking in large breaths even when the cold air attacked his lungs.

Tanjirou lets go of Zenitsu as the boy calmed down, his hands still clasped in front of his chest, his hand-knitted scarf hangs at his shoulder, he wore a thick yellow jacket patterned with white triangles and a sweater beneath, a beanie was wrapped around his head, its color contrasting to Zenitsu's hair.


Tanjirou yelped as Inosuke's head made a hard impact on his back, the three turned to the boy who just arrived.

Inosuke beamed at them with his usual smirk, his bright blue eyes meeting his friends', his hands were on his hips, his coat wrinkled and his scarf draping loosely due to his movements, "Inosuke!" They greeted, who only charges his fist into the air and yelled in a challenging tone, "Let's compete who can scream the loudest!!!" Tanjirou chuckles at his enthusiasm, he patted Inozuke's shoulders with both hands, making the other to drop his arm, standing still as Tanjirou's hands pulled at his dark blue coat and fixed his scarf, "You are definitely as loud as Zenitsu."

"I can be louder than him!" Inosuke yelled as soon as Tanjirou pulled away, returning to his sister's side when Zenitsu stopped hugging Nezuko's arm and got in front of Inosuke, he then screamed in his face, "Do you ever shut up?!!! Give Nezuko a good impression for once you moron!!!" Inosuke twitched, fire burning within him as he thought that Zenitsu was challenging him, "Lord Inosuke is about to destroy this man's whole career!!!" He yelled with all his might, he inhaled, puffing out his chest, ready to unleash a loud, screeching scream.

"Giyuu-san! Sabito-san!" Tanjirou rushed towards the couple, Inosuke froze in midair, he straightened his spine, tailing Tanjirou as his hand found the back of Tanjirou's coat to grip onto. Giyuu's expression was stoic but the softness remains, Sabito wore a smile, his hand linked with Giyuu's. "Tanjirou," Giyuu said as a faint smile crept up upon his lips.

"Good evening, Tanjirou," Sabito said, a certain depth lying in his voice, almost intimidating, yet his soothing smile made the boys feel relieved. "EEEEEEK!" Zenitsu hid behind Nezuko, his hands held tightly onto Nezuko's shoulders as he shivered at the sight of his seniors. Inosuke remained silent, his fingers gripping onto the fabric as he eyed Giyuu and Sabito suspiciously.

Giyuu simply wore a winter jacket with a fur-trimmed hood that kept his neck warm, Sabito had a coat was long that it reached his knees above his sweater. Giyuu had gloves covering his hands, one hanging at his side, another in Sabito's hand.

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