(spring) seasons (winter)

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Listen to frozen in love by Akaash Ghandhi as you read.


Kyoujurou slowly opened his eyes, what greeted him was a view of a clear, white field beyond the car window, the world was covered in snow, glittering in the remaining rays of the sun. He lets out a shaky exhale, wrapping himself tighter in the blanket that was draped over him. Turning his head to the driver's seat on his right, Akaza sat there, staring ahead as he gripped onto the steering wheel, their car drifts down the one-way road, a field on their left, and a frost-colored forest on their right.

Akaza met his gaze, with a curve of his lips, warmth spread through Kyoujurou's chest, as he returned the smile as his cheeks reddened slightly.

He takes in a few breaths, no longer tired, he preferred to share the silence, preferred the gorgeous view of winter, preferred the rhythm of his heartbeat when Akaza was by his side.

In this very wonderful season, which lakes turn into ice, animals hibernate and the plants waiting for their rebirth that'll soon come in spring, he was still him, the Kyoujurou that fell in love with Akaza.

He, in this very bleak, wonderful season, was warmed up by the feeling of love.

He stood at the window, sipping on a warm mug of hot chocolate in his red turtleneck sweater, the hotel room was nicely decorated, with a large bed in the center and a small table at the corner of the room, it brought out a vintage vibe. The room was comforting, shielding them from the snow that stabs at their lungs with each breath they take.

The beverage's flavor lingers on his tongue, the chocolate drink was a contrast to the gray lifeless field outside of the window, with trees stripped bare of its leaves, exposing its branches to the frost, painting it into a glassy look to it. The moon hung in the cloudy sky, inferior to their brightly illuminated hotel room.

The door of the bathroom clicked, Kyoujurou didn't bother to look for Akaza who has just gotten out of the shower, surely, he's pretty exhausted, Kyoujurou could give him a break. Or not, since Akaza had already made his way towards his lover, his arms wrapped around Kyoujurou's waist as he rests his chin on his shoulder. The faint fragrance of shampoo, the heat of Akaza's body as he hugged him, the pink mane that ticked the skin at Kyoujurou's neck. All of it was familiar, including Akaza's soft murmurs next to his ear whenever he embraces him, the happiness that habitually surfaces within Kyoujurou, and the way he would tilt his head towards Akaza's direction, leaning his body into the touch.

Spring was beautiful, marking another year they had spent with each other. Summer was adventurous, although its humid weather had put physical distance between them. Autumn was romantic, it was Akaza's favorite.

"Everything reminds me of you."

Akaza said to him, crouching down as he picked up a leaf from the sidewalk, the leash connected to their poodle's collar in his hand. "Like this one," he flicked it between his fingers, holding it out to present it to Kyoujurou. "You're brighter though, maybe it's this one," Akaza returned to picking at the leaves on the ground, poking at the other with a brighter shade of yellow, their poodle sniffing at the previous one he had just put down, chasing it as it was blown away by the wind.

Like the inevitable cycle of seasons, the sweetness of the strawberries during spring, even the bitter winter that'll come, it's some sort of weird security, that Kyoujurou knows they'll stay together, even throughout the changes they'll go through. Like the snow that melts into the dirt, the flowers that bloom and wither, they depend on each other, what they can't gain alone, they reach for it together, accomplishing something greater than what they can achieve by themselves.

Akaza's hand reached for Kyoujurou's, which was holding the mug and guided it to his mouth.

They stood there for a few moments, Kyoujurou turned around and faced Akaza, who still stubbornly holds him in place. "Aren't you tired?" Kyoujurou asks, using his free hand to ruffle Akaza's hair, who closes his eyes contently, enjoying the touch. "I want to spend some more time with you," Akaza muttered, his eyelids fluttering open once again.

Under the blanket of the night, only the howl of the wind could be heard, in their brightly illuminated hotel room, they held onto each other, bodies pressed close, overlapping their steady heartbeats. Akaza's fingers were grabbing onto the fabric of Kyoujurou's sweater, his expression blissful as he smiled against Kyoujurou's cheek. Kyoujurou pressed their foreheads together, he fondled Akaza's flushed cheek endearingly, staring into the other's eyes, almost forgetting himself when he noticed his own golden irises reflecting in Akaza's.

Kyoujurou tilts his head to bring a kiss to Akaza's lips, who replies quietly in a gentle gesture, by sliding his hand down and to the front of Kyoujurou's chest while Kyoujurou was cupping his face with another hand placed on Akaza's waist. Akaza found Kyoujurou's nape, his hand buried in the man's blond hair, then both of Kyoujurou's hands are caressing his face.

They pull away to look at each other for another short moment, Kyoujurou intertwined their fingers, his gaze gentle over Akaza's smooth skin. With arms around each other's torsos, they turned towards the window, entranced by the sky that was dotted with stars.

In the darkness of the room, they sat on the floor, gazing up at the sky as the moonbeam traces the contour of their faces. Akaza's hand rested in Kyoujurou's, fitting like two puzzle pieces that are meant to be put together. Kyoujurou's head was leaning on Akaza's shoulder, whose glances darted away from the stars to him then back to the sky from time to time, each time, he squeezed his hand lightly, and Kyoujurou would reply with the same gentle gesture.

Before Kyoujuou knew it, he fell asleep against Akaza, with his eyes closed, his lashes looked longer, highlighted by the moon. Akaza's hand left his, eventually, his palm closed over Kyoujurou's head, his lips fell onto Kyoujurou's temple, suddenly, he own heartbeat sounded too loud, and he was aware of how both of their chests rise and falls rhythmically. Kyoujurou blinks for a few times, he received a smooch on his forehead, before Akaza's voice reached him, vibrating in his chest.

"Let's get some rest."

Kyoujurou nods, and Akaza held his hand, leading him to the bed.

Surrendering himself to the comfort of the bed and the safety he felt as he nestles against Akaza, warm under the blanket, in an embrace, his eyes were half-lidded as he tried to stay awake for just a little longer, taking in Akaza's longing gaze. "Good night," he said, inhaling, he adds. "I love you."

Akaza closes in to smooch his cheek, the skin right below his eyes, he whispers.

"Good night, I love you too."

Just like any other night, silence floods the room as they drift off to sleep with their lover by their side.

Surely, the following night, and the nights for the rest of their lives, it won't change.

They are frozen in love, after all.

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