Out of Breath

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Renkaza Week - Day 3

Prompt: Nightmare

Warning: Choking


He had his fingers around Kyoujurou's throat, looming over the Flame Pillar, he clearly enjoyed how Kyoujurou refused to let his fearless facade break, how his hands were wrapped around his arm, squeezing as hard as Akaza.

He kept his stern gaze on him, glaring at Akaza's smirk.

Akaza admired how his thick brows furrowed, his nose wrinkled as he fought for breath.

He squeezed harder, tighter. Flashing his fangs with a grin when Kyoujurou let out a strangled choke, his hands slowly losing strength, he drove his fingernails deeper into Akaza's skin, his head grinding deeper into the dirt under him.

Akaza still had one knee pressing down on his chest, putting pressure onto his lungs, the sting in his thorax reminded him of their first encounter.

The first day of returning to his duty as a slayer, Akaza found him again, his heels dug into his body, Kyoujurou's sword knocked away, a hand around his throat, pinning him on the ground, observing how Kyoujurou struggles to his last breath, with grass in his face, with dirt in his hair.

He loved it.

He loved watching Kyoujurou, who is often so firm and proper, full of power and strength, to thrash under him, to reveal his vulnerability layer by layer.

It gave Akaza intense satisfaction that he hasn't felt in ages.

Someone that feels like a threat to him, to loom over that person, to choke them until they've lost their consciousness, it gave him a powerful feeling, it made him want to see how much further he can go with tearing Kyoujurou to bits and pieces.

In an instant, Kyoujurou's hands found itself tugging on Akaza's vest, clenching and attempting to stuff the fabric into Akaza's face.

"You can do better than this, Kyoujurou," Akaza muttered, and the fire in Kyoujurou's golden irises heat up once more, strength flowed through his body as he pushed Akaza back, who strangled him even harder.

"That's it, struggle, fight me," Kyoujurou's mouth hung open, not a single puff of air entered his lungs, and not a single groan was heard.

Though, the flame did not last long.

Akaza released Kyoujurou's neck from his hand, Kyoujurou's hand trembled as he lifted himself up from the ground, he reached for his sword before standing up with shaking knees.

With the courage of an Upper Moon Demon, Akaza pushed his sword aside, sliding a hand up to Kyoujurou's chest, he backed him up to a tree.

And he pressed his lips onto Kyoujurou's.

Kyoujurou's eyes widen as he pushed away his blanket, like how he had pushed Akaza away.

His chest heaved as he sat up, the back of his yukata damp with sweat, he felt goosebumps rise on the back of his neck.

His face flushed, making him feel light-headed, different from the suffocation he had felt in his nightmare, but dizzying nonetheless.

He wasn't sure what was more of a nightmare, the sensation of fingers closing in on his neck, squeezing his esophagus? The Upper Moon Demon's grin? The pressure in his head when air was blocked from his lungs?

He rests his palm on his chest to feel his heartbeat.

Or rather, the nightmare was, how he felt out of breath when he felt Akaza's lips on his own, and he wanted to chase that feeling.

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