for the one I'd someday meet, for the you who has to leave

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RenKaza Week - Day 3

Prompt: Reincarnation


It was early April, with cherry blossoms falling from their branches, dancing in the air until it fell at his feet.

Akaza paced around the school ground to calm his uneasiness, he was just starting off the first year of high school.

Being a demon that has lived over a hundred years, he still carries the agonizing memories with him.

There is a person he's searching for, someone in his memories that had pulled the trigger of a grenade, each tick brought the feelings that he had once felt back, eventually, exploding in his heart, as he found his humanity.

It pains him greatly, but he doesn't want to forget, he doesn't want to forget the person that he misses, the person that he longs to be with.


By pure coincidence, they meet again under the same sky, with the moon hanging over them, they sat at the Rengoku household's backyard, the blond laughs so charmingly, each note feels like prickling needle at Akaza's heart.

Rengoku was Akaza's new neighbor, a family of four, while Akaza lives with his foster family.

Akaza desperately wanted to recall their memories together.

He wanted to say it aloud, say that he truly is grateful that Kyoujurou brought the human in him back to life once more, say that everything was a miracle, now that Kyoujurou was in front of him. He wants to tell him about the dreams he had of them together, happily, carefreely, spending eternity together, side by side, hand in hand.

So happily, innocently, free of blood-stained hands, Kyoujurou smiles.

Fireworks sparkled in the sky, replacing one and another as it fades again, they turn their head, surprised to see the colors striking through the silent night, light reflecting off Kyoujurou's skin, each flashes reminded of the pieces of his past lives as a demon.

Cowardly, afraid of losing the one who shines so brightly in front of him, the one whom he holds so closely, the one whom he loves so dearly, more than he had ever known.

He quietly prays that they could stay like this forever.



Kyoujurou caresses his cheeks, pulling Akaza's gaze up to meet his own.

Warm, warm eyes, stared into his own, he felt tears trickle down from his eyes.

Despite all the pain tearing at his heart, the regrets, the unfulfilled promises, and empty wishes. But also, with Kyoujurou in his memories.

"It's okay," Kyoujurou mutters softly, his thumb wiped at the flow of Akaza's tears. The world which has blurred in front of Akaza's eyes, now enveloped in darkness as he shut his eyes, he could feel a pair of arms wrapped around him, and for once, he felt like, that's all fine.

As fate brought them together, even through different lives. It is a miracle, that Kyoujurou is embracing him.

And that's all that matters, because they are here together.

And he can still hear Kyoujurou's voice calling out his name.


In school, he is known for having impressive skills and talent in martial arts.

Kyoujurou sometimes tells him he feels lost, for not being a prodigy, for not excelling in anything, and that he wishes he could bring his pride to his family.

"It doesn't matter to me, you're important to your family, you're important to me,"

"You are what I live for,"

He simply told him, his face turned away, pretending that Kyoujurou wouldn't understand, pretending that he didn't understand.

But he knows, surely, one day, he'd be able to face Kyoujurou truthfully, so that he could see the feelings he held for him.

For now, he'd listen to Kyoujurou's laughs of surprise and gratitude.


Akaza shouts without a sound, he scratches at the figure, his arms failing to capture the figure that kept fading away, burning into dust, under the sunrise.

He apologizes, he begs as he clutches at the remains of Kyoujurou's dust for the hundredth, thousandth time.

Akaza stirs from his sleep, panting heavily, he searches the warmth that emitted from another person's hand which was clasping his, sleeping soundly at his side. He holds onto it tightly, pulling it to his chest, he tried to hold back his sobs, as he prayed, prayed, and prayed.

The chirping of the insects was faint outside of Akaza's room, Kyoujurou shifts closer, pulling Akaza close until he could feel warm liquid staining the mattress, staining the hands that were clasping his own, he presses his lips onto Akaza's forehead, trying to soothe Akaza's trembling body as he rubs a palm tenderly across Akaza's back.

Soon, Akaza's tears stopped, he opened his eyes again, meeting Kyoujurou's, which seemed so much gentler with moonlight sprinkling gently onto them.

He could see the warmth in Kyoujurou's eyes even as he closes his eyes to return to his slumber again.

He prays, everything would remain the same. He prays, they'd never part. He prays, they could still have their hands linked, even through different lives.

The miracles just aren't enough.

Is it alright, if he keeps Kyoujurou by his side?

Is it alright, if he keeps calling out Kyoujurou's name?


Once upon a time, he wanted to disappear. Once upon a time, he wanted to rip all the pain out of his body. Once upon a time, his voice was hoarse from his cries.

As he was born as a human once again, he had always been searching for him.

Whom he'd always known that he'd someday meet.

Whom he'd always known that they'll have to leave.


With their hands linked together, they stood close, under the cherry tree that blossomed during April, which leaves are now turning into a fiery color of red, fluttering and decorating the street.

With this endless pain in his heart, tearing at him, with Kyoujurou at his side-

He feels as if everything would be alright.

"You're my miracle, Kyoujurou,"

He faces him, with eyes of ocean blue, he stares into Kyoujurou's, red like the sunset, glistening in front of him.

"I love you."

A kind voice calls out his name, and echoed the same words.

He smiles, and presses a kiss to Kyoujurou's knuckles.

"Hey, is it alright if I keep calling out your name?"

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