bitter chocolate, sweeter chocolate

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RenKaza Week - Day 8

Prompt: Valentines


February 14, Valentine's day.

It took Rengoku Kyoujurou some time to roll out of bed, to put on his school uniform, and to prepare breakfast with little to no difficulty.

Despite being alone like he always had on Valentine's day, he doesn't seem to be fazed at all.

Seem to.

He breathes out a long exhale, the pleasant smell of toast and eggs floated around the house, calming his nerves slightly.

He gazes at the paper bag beside Senjurou's bento, recalling the night before briefly.

"Senjurou, are you making chocolates?"

The bowl of melted chocolate in Senjurou's hand almost overflowed the heart-shaped mold, startling the younger Rengoku.

"Ah, yeah-"

"Is it for Genya-kun?"


Yeah, it's definitely for Genya.

He turns his head towards the creaking of Senjurou's bedroom door, Senjurou looked nervous as he patted his school uniform, dragging his gaze over the white shirt and the properly fixed red tie around his collar. A light grey scarf draped from his arm which was holding onto his school bag.

"Good luck to you today, Senjurou,"

Senjurou's eyes met his brother's before he could respond, Kyoujurou continued his sentence.

"-with Genya-kun."

"Aniki!" Senjurou yelped, his cheeks turning red in an instant.

The brothers parted ways as they entered the school building, with Senjurou heading towards the first year's classroom, which was another building, and Kyoujurou, standing outside of the building with a white scarf around his neck.

He was staring at the ever so familiar figure of the martial arts champion of their school.

Akaza had a scowl of his face, pushing away the chocolates and letters piled up on his shoes, and shoving at his friend - Douma - who kept teasing him, while eating chocolates from a heart-shaped box that he received.

Kyojurou stood there until a taller student nudged him gently.


Kyojurou could feel his face burn from embarrassment, but he beams at his friend nonetheless, "Uzui, good morning!"

Too loud. He noted in his head, before he heading inside the building to change his shoes, he glanced at Akaza's direction again, almost jumping out of his skin, he met Akaza's blue eyes.

He turned away, and Kyoujurou tried not to feel his heart sink.

He opened his shoe locker, and changed out his shoes, stopping himself from thinking further about the disappointment.

It's probably just his imagination.

The bell rang, Kyoujurou's light footsteps stopped in the middle of the hallway, his eyes followed Akaza's back, who was heading towards the school's cafeteria.

Since the day that Kyoujurou saw Akaza's at his club activities, glistening with sweat and dueling with his teacher, in bare fists, he could hear his heart thumping louder and harder in his chest. They'd fought against each other once, Kyoujurou composed himself, limited the shaking in his knees, evening out his breaths, and enhanced his focus. It was a great fight, and he lost fair and square to Akaza.

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