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Their white sheer curtains were blown up gently by the wind, swaying while sunlight shone through their living room gently, the balcony's door was wide open, ventilating the apartment with fresh air. Akaza laid on the sofa, his body curling along the L-shape of the furniture as he dozed. Kyoujurou was drying his hair with a towel, he walked out to the living room, gazing at Akaza who was bathed in the warmth of the sun, pink hair messed up by the wind, his lips slightly parted as he slept peacefully.

Akaza stirred in his sleep when he felt smooth fabric covering him, the scent of Kyoujurou's blanket woke him, he squinted through his sleepy eyelids, his heart quickening its pace when he saw a familiar blond leaning over him, wrapping him in his blanket, and placed a kiss onto his temple, stroking gently at his scalp. Kyoujurou smells like the lemon-scented body wash, his presence alone was enough to make Akaza's face heat up, but at the same time, it was so comforting, that Akaza doesn't want him to leave even for a second.

Kyoujurou might've heard Akaza's wishes, as he sat down on the seat next to Akaza's head, his head turned, facing at the view they could see from their apartment. Akaza's hand reaches for Kyoujurou's, which was still in his hair, and pulls it down so he could place his lips at Kyoujurou's knuckles. Kyoujurou doesn't resist, but he tightens his hold on Akaza's hand, just slightly, although that enough was able to let Akaza know, that he wants to stay with Akaza, that he wants to hold onto him, just as much as Akaza wants with Kyoujurou.

Akaza slide over, wiggling his way to let his head rest in Kyoujurou's lap, he was more awake as he stared up at Kyoujurou's face, finding his own reflection in Kyoujurou's eyes. He's looking at me. He thought, a bit too happy about it, as he let his emotion to appear on his face. Kyoujurou's thumb was pressing gently at Akaza's bottom lip, which made the male to grin even more. "What's so funny?" He asked, unable to hide a smile, not that he really needed to. "I can see you looking at me," Akaza replies, a content sigh leaving his lips when Kyoujurou cups his cheek with his palm. His hand feels so strong, so safe, so comforting, he presses a hand over Kyoujurou's, sinking into the touch.

Kyoujurou lowers his head, looking deeply into Akaza's eyes that almost represents the color of the sky as clear as the one outside of their balcony. "And I can see you, looking at me too," Kyoujurou whispers over him, his lips moving in a way that Akaza could've believed that he was teasing him, provoking the male to grab him and pull him down for a long, passionate kiss. Instead, Akaza could only look into the golden irises, he would've described its color like a flame's, but Kyoujurou was Kyoujurou, someone much more tender and gentle. Others would've seen him as passionate, loud and enthusiastic, sure, Akaza loves that part of him. Although, there is something much more wonderful lying behind those intense waves of heat, perhaps, the early morning sun? No... It's more like how the ocean feels warm and soothing on your skin, or the fireplace of a wintery day, the blanket during a rainy night, like...

Like the smile of someone you love, it may feel intense at times, with subtle relief and happiness behind it. The smile that spreads warmth through your chest and eventually, you follow the joy of it.

Kyoujurou is always smiling. Still, there was a smile that is just for Akaza alone, the way his brows relax, his eyelids forming an expression that almost looks like longing, the blush on his cheeks that becomes even more evident at his ears, the way that his teeth would peek from behind his lips, a rare grin that Akaza believes that not many sees, especially with the color that dusked over his face.

Akaza's hand reaches for Kyoujurou's cheek, the skin below his fingers reddens, then Kyoujurou was wearing an expression that Akaza still takes moments to fully take in. Was it longing? Was it relief? There's a hint in Kyoujurou's eyes, between cherishing, and fear.

Fear of losing. Fear of letting go.

Akaza propped his body up with his elbow, pressing his lips over Kyoujurou's, he watched the other man shut his eyelids, arms wrapped around him, one hand behind Akaza's head, as he kissed back with just as much yearning. Akaza knew, there was something unpleasant swarming in Kyoujurou's chest, yes, even Kyoujurou, someone who shone so bright, brighter than anyone Akaza had ever seen, has his own gray storms clouding over his clear vision.

My Soul Belongs to AkaRen/RenkazaWhere stories live. Discover now