wish i were heather

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"It looks better on you," Hakuji laughed, watching his friend tugging on the sleeves of the sweater.

They sat on the cold floor of the living room, the skies were gray, the closed doors and window muffling the roar of thunder outside of the apartment.

"Really?" Rengoku asked, his voice shaking, in a way that only himself knew, like the rapid thumping in his heart.

"Yeah," Hakuji nodded his head, leaning his back against the sofa.

They fall quiet, the clock ticks, it was 11 pm. The sky was dark, without a source of light, even the moon was covered by the clouds.

Rengoku stares at him, feeling his fingers on the sweater that Hakuji lent him, he pulls it up to his face, warming himself up from the chilly weather that looms over the town.

It smells like him.

A part of Rengoku wanted to take it off, a part of him wanted to keep this to himself forever.

"I'm heading to bed," Rengoku said, turning his face away, his fingers were clenched into the fabric, which both of them don't notice.

"Goodnight," Hakuji said, watching Rengoku hurries into his own room.

"Goodnight," Rengoku doesn't look back, he disappears into the hallway, and the door closes with a click.

He climbs up onto the pull-out couch, settling into the blanket that Rengoku had given him for the night.

The scent of detergent was soothing.

"You gave her your sweater?" Rengoku asks, his lips trembling as he forces the corners into a smile.

"Yeah," Hakuji smiles, his eyes fixed on the girl with a snowflake hairpin, "Doesn't she look nice?"

The girl waves at them, her smile was bright, but it only made Rengoku's stomach twist with nausea.

The crowd's chatter made his head spin, both of their presence was wringing pain to him.

"Yeah..." Rengoku breathed, biting his lips, he tries to push the thoughts away, "Yeah, she does."

Rengoku watched them from behind, watched her fingers that clung to Hakuji's sleeve.

His brow twitched when Hakuji's hand landed on her shoulder.

That sweater flashes into his mind, the sweater that he threw into the closet.

He left it there, untouched. He left it alone, just like he was.

Hakuji turned back to him, meeting his eyes.

Rengoku thought his heart had stopped for a moment.

Those eyes disappear from his view before he could blink.

He sighed to himself, his lips still stuck in a half-smile.

But how could he hate her?

She's such an angel.

Kinda wished someone was dead, though.

He wipes away the tear that rolled down his cheek.

Holding his phone to his chest, he sobs quietly to the quiet music playing from it.

Why would you ever kiss me?

Their faces smile back at him, while he scratches at the memory, hoping that those torturing thoughts leave his head.

I'm not even half, as pretty

Hakuji's text disappears from the screen as he turns off his phone, dropping it onto the floor with a thump, he shuffles to the closet, watching the ray of light sneak in as he opens the door.

You gave her your sweater

He picks up the sweater from the ground, embracing Hakuji for the last time.

It's just polyester, but you like her better

"Remember the sweater I'd borrowed you?"

I wish I were

"I need it back."

My Soul Belongs to AkaRen/RenkazaWhere stories live. Discover now