❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 ❄️

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Quick authors note I'm sure your familiar with how it works with your character. Here's a quick reminder:

(F/N) - First name

(L/N) -Last name

(H/L) - Hair length

(H/C) - Hair colour

(E/C) - Eye colour

Levi's POV

The sound of wires hooking onto buildings filled my ears, I glanced behind me and saw that Isabel and Farlan were close to me. I sighed in relief knowing that they hadn't got caught.

We were doing a job and we spotted some green capes coming after us. Assuming that it was the military police we knew that we would be able to get away. However, I caught a glance at the logo on their backs and noticed that it wasn't the unicorn. It was the survey corps and we knew they were the best of the best.

After a while of flying and getting away from them we decided to all split up and meet back at the house. However, they were far more skilled than MP's. After all of our efforts we got caught. I cursed under my breath as a man forced my head into the ground. My face came into contact some dirty liquid which could have any sort of germs in it. Disgusting.

"I'll give you two options. Either join us the survey corps and give us your strength or we hand you over to the military police and you get locked away in a dirty cell for your crimes. Trust me you won't be treated nicely either." He spoke in an intimidating voice. I looked over to Isabel and Farlan, they both nodded whilst they were held hostage by the soldiers.

"Fine, we accept your offer" I growled and glared at him, He smirked and took his foot off of my head.

"Very well, lets get going" He said and started to walk away to some other place.

Time skip - five hours later

We had been introduced to our new room and were given uniform. I heard a loud squeal coming from a certain red head with a big grin on her face.

"Hey big bro we finally made it out of there!" I finished putting on my cravat and headed to the door.

"Isabel keep it down. You know we've got a job to do remember?" I glared at her and she nodded keeping her big bright smile on her face.

We all exited the room and followed some random boy who escorted us to the training field where we were going to get introduced to our new squad. As we went up to the front I could hear the whispers of the people around us.

"So they're the ones from the underground?"

"Yeah they look like thugs lets stay away from them" I could see Isabel frowning at the harsh comments that they were saying. I looked over at Farlan and saw that his brows were furrowed in anger.

"Cadets these will be your new comerades please introduce yourselves" The captain said.

Isabel went first and put on a big smile and waved to everyone.

"Hi I'm Isabel Magnolia! Pleasure to be working with you!" She gave them a salute and stepped back. Farlan went next but he didn't show as much emotion as Isabel.

"Hi the names Farlan Church good to meet you" He gave a salute and stepped back.

It was finally my turn.

"Names Levi" I said it in an emotionless tone of voice and I could see that people started to comment about how "rude" I was. I tched and looked away standing still with a bored expression on my face.

Your POV

Erwin had called me to his office I guessed that he finally completed his mission. I was a bit annoyed that he didn't tell me what it was about.

I made it to his door and knocked on it. I heard a faint come in so I opened the door walking into his office and closing it behind me. I saluted him until he told me to be at ease. He smiled and told me to take a seat.

"Hello sir, I assume that you have completed your mission?" I asked in a polite yet curious tone. He shook his head and laughed slightly. I looked at him confused until he finally spoke up.

"Yes I have and it was a success may I add" He smirked and looked me in the eyes.

"That's good to hear. What did you call me here for If you don't mind me asking?"

"To inform you on what the mission was about" I didn't say anything, giving him the right to continue.

"We went to the underground to retrieve some thugs that had been causing havoc and the MP's haven't been able to capture them. So we took it upon ourselves to capture them ourselves and like I said it was a success. One of the members stood out the most. They had really good skills with the 3DMG and exceptional strength in which we need here at the survey corps" I nodded my head in understanding.

"This person must be pretty exceptional to say that your talking about them like this" He nodded and told me to go and get something to eat. As I was walking down the I passed a few cadets saying hi and greeting me. I ignored them all and strode towards the mess hall. My (H/C) hair tied up in a high ponytail. I opened the door and walked straight to get some food. I blocked out everyone's whispers and glares and focused on myself.

Once I got my food and tea I sat down next to Miké and started eating. I saw him lean over and start sniffing me. I rolled my eyes and focused on my food.

"Hey shortsicle!" A certain brown haired woman said to me.

"Hanji I swear if you call me that again I will freeze your entire body and throw you off of the small and watch your body smash into tiny little pieces as the ice breaks" She just grinned and ignored my comment. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my tea.

"Hey have you seen the new recruits?" I looked up into her eyes and shook my head.

"You haven't? Well they sure are interesting! I'm going to introduce myself to them. You coming?"

"No Hanji I don't get involved with the cadets and you know that they'll just become titan fodder anyway. It happens every time we get new cadets. They hardly ever make it back off of their first expedition" She rolled her eyes and made her way over to them.

"Hey (F/N) you should really try interacting with more people. It might help with that cold attitude of yours" Miké said with a smirk whilst looking at me from the side. I glared at him with my sharp (E/C) eyes.

"I don't know if you meant to put that pun in there but never say that again or I'll freeze your nose and you'll never be able to smell again." I could see him shiver and he nodded his head.

"I'm going to sleep. I'm too tired to deal with anyone" They all said goodnight and I went to my office/bedroom.

I took off my uniform and put on a baggy black t-shirt. I walked to the window and gently put my hand on it. Suddenly it started to create beautiful patterns from ice. I looked up at the sky and saw the moon.

"Its such a beautiful yet cruel world we live in"

I walked over to my bed and got in it. I closed my eyes and let sleep greet me for the night.

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