❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑 ❄️

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Your POV

My body ached from fatigue.

Tiredness consumed me making it hard to even open an eye. My mouth was dry from dehydration and bones aching from not moving for so long.

I remember back to the most recent events.

Flagon grabbing me, Levi struggling but managing to get out at the last second. What did I do? I shut myself away like I always do. Running away from my problems.

They praise me for my powers. Saying that I was "a blessing sent from the heavens" when in reality I'm nothing more than a weak girl who is a coward that runs away with her tail between her legs like a weak mutt.

Hanji always try's to encourage me, however no matter what she say's it doesn't work. I'm just the one percent of the population who was cursed with rare powers. She classes me as "deadly but beautiful", referring to my powers of course. 

"Oh my dear (F/N) look at how much you've grown!" Wait what's that voice?

"Are you going to help daddy get the firewood?" Dad? Wait what're you doing here?

Flashback - Nobody's POV

A mild breeze brushed through the girls (H/C) locks making it sway it the wind. As she sat on the edge of the low cliff peering down on her village a voice calls out to her.

"(F/N) time to come in now!" Non other than her mother shouts to her young daughter.

She got up from her seat and dashed over to the small cottage that was on the hill. 

She opened the door and ran over to her dad who had his arms open to embrace her. A bright smile plastered on her face at the sight of her dad. 

"Daddy!" She exclaims as her picks her up into the air giving her a twirl making her giggle.

"Ah! (F/N) my gorgeous little girl! How are you?" He placed her down and they both sit down at the table for their food.

"I'm good daddy has work been hard?" Her big orbs filled with curiosity.

"Unfortunately yes my dear. But that's not for you to worry about" He smiled sadly at his precious daughter. He glanced over to his wife who was humbly plating up the food.

"Here you go! I know it isn't much but its all I could buy so please enjoy it" She places the food down and sits beside her husband.

The family ate in a peaceful silence until it was disturbed.

"Mummy what's that noise?" The young girl questioned. The sounds of screams were coming from the village. Her mother raced to the window and saw what was happening.

"The village is under attack! Titans are invading!" The young girls eyes widened at her mothers comment.

All of a sudden a huge hand belonging to a titan crashed into the house. Debris flying everywhere. The father didn't have time to react before being crushed by the rubble. The mother was screaming in pain as she was impaled by a wooden stick through her leg. Making her unable to walk. The young girl had hit her head but was in a stable condition.

The sounds of large footsteps slowly made their way up the hill. The young girl ran over towards her mother trying to get her up. However it was no use.

"(F/N) you have to get out of here! Go to the walls and show them your powers! Save humanity and live a good life, just promise me you won't think of our deaths as your fault" The young girls eye started to well up. Tears now spilling down her porcelain cheeks.

"I-I can't leave you here mummy..." She fell to her knees and started crying in front of her mothers. Her body shaking violently from her loud sobs.

"Go now (F/N) and don't look back!" She shouted through her pain. The Titan getting closer to them both.

"I'm not going without you! I don't know a single thing about my powers! How am I supposed to know what to do without you by my side!" She shouted. Her cheeks now becoming puffy as she spoke through her violent sobs.

Just as the titans hand was about to grab the mother she placed a hand on (F/N)'s cheek causing her to look up. She kissed her on the forehead before looking back into her tearful eyes.

"Show then what your capable of then let all hell break loose" As she got lifted up (F/N) watched in horror as her mother's calm expression was no more. Blood splattered everywhere as she watched her mother get eaten in front of her. She looked back at her father who's body could no longer be seen.

The Titan looked at her before walking closer. The young girl looked at the creature in horror. It's bloodied hand reached out to her getting ready to devour its next victim. Just as it was about to grab her, anger flourished throughout her body. A sudden wave of adrenaline kicking in.

Suddenly ice surrounded the Titan stopping it dead in its tracks. She looked up at her art and saw the Titan covered in ice. She looked back down at her hands before staring at them in shock.

Screams still surrounding the area she decided to save the rest of the village. Fire illuminated the area as she sprinted towards the people who needed rescuing. In that day she had saved no one. Depression took over her small body.

End of Flashback - Levi's POV

I watched as (F/N) moved in her sleep. By now she was just resting to restore the energy that she lost during her attack.

She looked like she was having a bad dream. I frowned at her current state, if only I could do something. I continue do the paperwork that was due we for tomorrow that Commander Erwin has sent her.

Suddenly she jolted making me jump. Her eyes wide and a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead as she greaves heavily. I looked at her in shock before regaining my composure.

"Commander you're finally awake!" She looked down at her hands before slowly looking up at me.

"How long was I out for?" She questioned placing a hand on her head as if she was dizzy. I grabbed her shoulders and helped her lay back down.

"A day at most so you haven't missed anything. Hanji used some sort of liquid that burnt your ice to get you and Flagon out" I removed my hands and crossed my arms looking down at her.

"Wait... Flagon where is he?" She asked in a worried tone. I sighed sadly looking into her sad (F/N) eyes

"The commander has locked him up after Hanji told him to come look at the situation himself" She exhaled in relief before looking at me.

"Thank you for looking after me. I'm sorry for being such a big hassle" I smiled gently making her eyes widen at the sight.

"Just don't do that again brat. I don't want to go through that once more" She nodded before placing her hand on top of mine.

"Thank you Levi" She smiled lightly.

"You're welcome (F/N) now get some rest you need it" The (H/C) nodded before closing her eyes and instantly dropping back to sleep. Her expression going back to a peaceful one.

"I'll protect you (F/N)"

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