❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔 ❄️

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Levi's POV

I watched as she stormed out of the court room. Anger radiating off of her. Footprints of ice forming after ever step she takes.

I clearly remember the words. "Squad leader Flagon you are not guilty." I clenched my fist and spoke up.

"Commander there wasn't anything you could do, it's obvious that this was planned. Don't beat yourself up over it we'll get back at him" The (H/C) swung around and looked at me. A flame had ignited in her eyes.

"There wasn't anything I could do? Is that all you had to say?! They didn't even let me bring my other two witnesses out! Don't tell me there wasn't anything so could've done. Because I could've spoke up and told them the whole story, but guess what? I didn't because I'm a coward Levi!" I gritted my teeth and looked down.

"I know you're angry right now but please try to contain your emotions. Your releasing your power without even knowing it" I looked up to see her expression. Her eyes were wide and she had a small frown on her face.

She coughed turning around before walking away. "I'm sorry you had to witness all of that. Please excuse me..." Before I could say anything she had already walked away, leaving me standing there in the hallway.

I sighed before slightly turning around. "Whoever's hiding you can come out now." I say in a stern voice. Slowly a figure appears from around the corner.

"Nile Dawk, what do you want?" I say getting straight to the point. He simply shrugs before standing a few feet away from me.

"Oh nothing, I just happened to be strolling by when I heard your conversation with the second commander. You seem really fond of her don't you Levi Ackerman" I fully turned around to face him. He had a smug expression on his face.

"Tch. She's my commander nothing more nothing less what's your concern?" He leaned against the wall pushing his hair back.

"I was simply just asking as of all. Have you got a problem with that cadet?" My brows furrowed together in frustration.

"Stop toying with me get to the point why are you here?" I asked quickly losing my patience with the older man.

"I want the commander to work for the military police" My breath hitches at his words. I suddenly regained my composure and growled slightly.

"She would never work for you pigs understand?" The older male chuckled a little bit before pushing himself off of the wall. He turned around but slightly looked I've his shoulder.

"We'll have to see how things play out. Till next time Ackerman" He have me a slight wave before disappearing.

I clenched my fists tightly in detest. He won't get any where near the commander not if I can help it.

Your POV

I peered down to the floor to find out that Levi was right. I really am releasing my power without knowing it. Damn it! I curse in my head. I need to train more to conserve my emotions.

As I continued walking towards the entrance of the court I catch a glance of Flagon. I quickly avert my gaze not wanting to attract attention.

"Oh well if it isn't the pretty little commander! What brings you here? Of course how could I forget! You lost your battle such a shame, if only you hadn't trapped us in your ice  back on that night we wouldn't be in this mess now would we?" I quickly turn around and charge over to him. I grab him by the collar and stare into his eyes. I could the see the slight fear in them.

"Your lucky I didn't kill you in that cell where you should rotting. Your lucky that they've taken pity on you. But mark my words I will get my revenge" Venom spilled from my tongue. I could feel him trembling in my grip. I let go of his collar causing him to cough and fall to the ground.

"Your insane! Get your power under control!" He shouts. Horror written all over his face.

"I'm just expressing my feelings like how you did on that night you bastard" A small smirk came to his face.

"You didn't mind me though. I'm starting to think you actually enjoyed my touch. No need to lie my dear I mean you've never been touched by a man before have you?"  Just as I was about to hit him somebody grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. I swung around ready to confront the person who stopped me. Only to find Levi holding me back.

"Let it go Commander he isn't worth your time" I didn't reply however I let him drag me away. I kept my head down. My hair covering my eyes.

I felt ashamed.

I feel filthy.

I feel worthless.


There was a light in my darkness.

He was right in front of me.

His name was Levi Ackerman.

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